Powerful Owl NestCAM

The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) is the largest owl species in Australia and threatened in all states that it occurs in. They breed through the winter, laying eggs late-May/early-June and fledging chicks during August. Due to the difficulty in locating nesting hollows and the physical location of nesting hollows high up in trees it is not easy to see what is happening throughout the breeding season. As part of the Powerful Owl Project, we finally have a nest camera up on a hollow this year (2013). This blog will post weekly videos of the most exciting things happening at the nest for the duration of the breeding season in the hollow (April to August).

Filming wildlife can cause detrimental disturbance. All efforts have been made to reduce disturbance to these owls and strict protocols exist around this camera. This work has the approval of the NSW Animal Ethics Committee. This sort of activity should not be undertaken without scientific justification and approval from reglatory bodies.

We have had some technical issues which has limited the footage initially, but I think we are on top of all that now - fingers crossed.

For a brief description of what is happening, click on the ' i ' icon in the top right of the clip

There is a thread in the forum to discuss what is happening, see Powerful Owl NestCAM discussion

To find out more about the Powerful Owl, please visit the Powerful Owl Fact Sheet.

To find out more about the Powerful Owl Project, please visit the Powerful Owl Research Page.

Powerful Owls at the Hollow 9: Jul17 to Aug8

Powerful Owls at the Hollow 8: Jul2 to Jul6

Powerful Owls at the Hollow 7: June25 only

Powerful Owls at the Hollow 6: Jun18 to Jun24

Powerful Owls at the Hollow 5: June11 only


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