Happy Monday all. The LBB challenge showed some simply gorgeous birds - well done everyone!
I thought this week we would focus on a particular part of a bird - the eyes! You can crop photos if you like but otherwise just share shots of birds with some beautiful, unusual or simply striking eyes.
Who you looking at?
Nice one Mark!
There's eye contact in this shot.
Samford Valley Qld.
"One more step........ and you'll be off the cliff!" ~ Nankeen Kestrel
Brown Falcon
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty......Canon gear
Good eye contact here..
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
Kookaburra in our garden
Shorty......Canon gear
Pied Oystercatcher
Shorty......Canon gear
Love this challenge.
Some great photos guys.
Here's mine, I think I have shared this photo recently but every other photo of a Tawny Frogmouth I have they are doing the Branch Pose.
It was nice to finally get one with their beautiful big eyes wide open.
Orange eye
Shorty......Canon gear
Lovely set of photos coming through. Some stunners, especially like Shortys Cormorant.
Thanks Rick, i have to agree, the weekly challenge always brings out some great shots from everyone.
Shorty......Canon gear
I actually met this little fellow this morning..
Samford Valley Qld.
I only have eyes for you.
Bassian Thrush from the other day. Love the dark eye.
My favourite eye photo I have would have to be this one.
Shorty......Canon gear
Not much eye contact at all in this shot...
Samford Valley Qld.
Still one of my favourite photos. The eye of a Bush Curlew (Thick-knee)
Shorty......Canon gear
Got this one the other day when I went to pick the kids up from school.
Wasn't bothered by me just kept his eye on the prize.
Spotted Harrier.
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
There is a tiny visitor with front feet firmly planted on the beautiful eye of this R-c Plover.
West Coast Tasmania
Nice photos everyone.
Like the Harrier Reflex, is that dead tree near your place?
You've captured the typical look for the Noisy Friar Shorty.
Annie, symply stunning, don't know how they tolerate the ants, especially so close to the eye.
I call this one Ducktor Evil
That dead tree is about 200 metres down the road and about ten years ago I nearly chopped it down. I'm so pleased that I didn't now and have since discovered how important a part dead trees play in the whole scheme of things.
Nocturnal vision usually means big eyes.
Samford Valley Qld.
That is one cracker of a shot, Annie.
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty......Canon gear
Buff-Banded Rail.
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
Samford Valley Qld.
A hawk eagle giving me the eye.
As usual, I was blown away by the amazing quality of the shots posted above. Stunning stuff. Clearly you are all on much better terms with the Sharpness Goddess than I am.
I did enjoy Reflex's "no eye contact" shot though. Perhaps there was just a hint of a third eye there?
I recently signed up for an online wildlife photography course, and it turns out the tutor is big on water-birds. However, I'm not close to any rivers or lakes here. So I may have to improvise...
And the eyes on the wood duck and duckling that I spotted on the block this morning are definitely unusual.
Some of the photos are stunning - I always find it hard to get that close to birds to get such good pics.
I couldn't choose between the bottom two photos. Kingfisher photo from overseas that I caught mid-blink. Also, I always though the Beautiful Firetail looks like it has too much eye-shadow on.
Dave, Sydney.
Thanks Devster and Shorty, she was such a dedicated and tolerant mum to be.
Thoroughly enjoying the spectacular array of shots this week, just beautiful!
Not quite the vibrant red eye of a mature Eurasian Coot just yet, but a pretty eye all the same.
West Coast Tasmania