I'm a NZ young birder, founder of the NZ Fledglings. I've been interested in birds from, like 7 or something and I'm 12 now. My life list is only 92 because of the lack of land birds. I love taking photos with my 35x panasonic lz30.
I'm on here because I maybe going to sunshine coast to bird next year. I really want to know more about aussie birds so I found this forum.
Some of the birds look confusing so I'd better start early!
Hi from NZ!!!!
Hey there Young Birder. If you have any questions about Australian birds you can ask them here & maybe we can deconfuse you. Someone from the Sunshine Coast might post for you information about birds & birding spots in that area so that you're primed & ready to observe if & when you get there.
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Hi Young Birder and welcome to the forum.
Yes some species of birds can be confusing but the people on hear are very friendly and knowledgable.
Plenty of birds to see on the Sunshine Coast. Here's a link that may help. Happy Birding!
Thanks! I have than one on the list of places!
Sadly I probaly won't have internet when I'm there, so I may come with a bulk lot at the end!
I hope get a few adds for my life list
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Welcome YB.
You will find if you come here there is free WiFi at a lot of locations in OZ, Macdonalds naming just one off many.
Shorty......Canon gear
the problem is having something to get it on. I don't have a photo etc. i have a laptop but don't want to carry it around
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Try an internet cafe. They supply the PC.
Shorty......Canon gear
yer true. though it uses birding time....
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Ha Ha, a true addicted birder
Like has been said already, when you get home, load them up here and it will not take long for someone to give you the id's.
Shorty......Canon gear
you should also look at this page for birding sites - http://www.birdsqueensland.org.au/bird_places.php
Thank you!
I have so far chosen Noosa bird trail, maroochy wetland, lake baroon, mary cairncross and maybe oxley creek common.
Are there fairy-wrens there?
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Mary cairncross is a really good one! I've been going there for 14 years since I was 2, and I still haven't seen all the birds there
A good one to look out for will be the Wompoo fruit dove, they're there for most of the year. And there where heaps of Catbirds, green I think
You might see some wrens on the Noosa bird trail but I don't know much about the other ones. At cairncross park you'll get to see some great ground birds like the yellow browed scrub wren, and there's even been a rainbow pitta there, although I've never seen it. hopefully next time though
I'm really excited for you! I'm sure you'll get lots for your list
I saw about cairncross in the Birdwatching in AU and NZ book! My averge nz checklist ends with say 26 sp. at end of the day. I'm sure AU will help my life list!
I am having trouble getting over all au's passarines!
I have been getting the simp. and day guide out for years to look at the birds. Now I'm going I've sent for my own one! I thought it was due this week, but today we go a email saying it will come next week.
Thank you!
Young Birder
wait, sorry but does that mean your 16? sorry just wondered, young birders are a endangered species in NZ i and a few other young birders have set up a protection group.
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Yes, there are so many great birds there
last time I was there I got a birding book that has all the birds from the park in it. I was absolutely fascinated! I've only seen about half of the birds that are in there
Admittedly, you have to go certain times of the year for many of the birds. Hopefully when you're there you can see heaps of birds! The simp. and day guides are great! Although sometimes it helps to google an image just to be clear on what you're looking for
they're really good to have on hand when birding.
And yes, I'm 16
I joined when I was 14 and have loved being here, I've learned so much from all the other birders! That sounds great! A protection group for young birders. Wish I'd thought of that, though unfortunately I'm afraid that the younger birders are rather scarce where I am
I'm able to rope a few of my siblings in to go birdwatching with me though, so i'm hoping to pass on the love of birds
So great to have you hear, and to find you so passionate about birding! One day I hope to travel to NZ and get to see some of the beautiful birds there
That is cool!
We have recenty been discusing how we have no young birders in our group yet.
its just the four team members. I'm 12.
I've heard of a FB group for young birders over there?
Yes google image is helpful. Over here in NZ we use a website called nzbirdsonline.co.nz. I'm thinking of getting regional guide to CENTRAL EAST COAST & RANGES cause its a bit smaller so i can take it when im not birding.
I only use a panasonic lz30, but I still hope to get some good pics
I'll be coming in winter next year so I surpose that limits some of the species. I don't think it limits the waterfowl? I hope not, I love ducks, most of nz's are extinct now(other than Paradise Shelduck, NZ scaup,whio etc.).
NZ has some awesome birds, not many species though. I love the Black-billed Gull and weka!(we have a breeding pair of weka at our house).
If your ever in the tasman/nelson/marlbourgh areas I know some great spots.
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Hi and welcome Young Birder, im also a young birder, im 15. I hope you get to see some awesome birds in Australia and I expect that you will when you are here. I have been to New Zealand before and I have seen some really interesting and cool birds there like the NZ Falcon, Paradise Shelduck, Tui and NZ Scaup. The NZ Scaup is a very cool duck, its so short and small. That is awesome that you have a breeding pair of Weka's at your house!
I do love our falcon! I've never seen one while birding in my region ( have in Wellington).I have seen them while looking out the car window. (Its a captive/free flight one called Fern on my profile)
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
It's great that you're getting more people involved in bird watching, it's so good to have more people aware of birds, their habitats, and what we need to do to keep them safe
Keep it up!
Winter is a good month to come to cairncross park! You might not see as many pigeons, however your chances in seeing a Pacific Baza, and heaps of fantails are almost guaranteed
Last time I was there in winter there was an Eastern Yellow Robin nesting right beside the path way, and you'll always see brush turkeys
I'll definitely let you know when I get to travel over, then you can tell me all the good spots to go to
There are so many birds i'd love to add to my life list!
Just lerv, lerv, lerv your enthusiasm you guys. Keep it going!
Thats cool (We are going in winter so its a bit cooler)! Pacific Baza is one of my Target species!
I really want to see brush-turkeys! Your Eastern Yellow Robin reminds me of our South Island robin! (I live in alpine Nelson Lakes on a large bush block) I've tried to attach a photo, but I don't know if it will work. Here is the link to it if it does not https://flic.kr/p/xkzK1J
thx Woko!
Happy to help with NZ birding spots!
<a data-flickr-embed="true" href="https://www.birdsinbackyards.net/%3Ca%20href%3D"https://www.flickr.com/photos/127296792">https://www.flickr.com/photos/127296792@N06/20568656622/in/dateposted-public/" title="South Island Robin"><img src="https://www.birdsinbackyards.net/%3Ca%20href%3D"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5766/20568656622_5fe5547a90_n.jpg">https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5766/20568656622_5fe5547a90_n.jpg" width="226" height="320" alt="South Island Robin"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Thats a lovely photo! I wonder why it didn't show up?
The brush turkeys are super friendly, unfortunately I think it's because people feed them, but they'll come right up to you
You'll be able to get some good pictures of them 
And yes, thank you Woko
I don't know why it would not, but oh well. I'll have to find out for when I post Aussie birds on here!
I really want to see a Brush-turkey! Many Weka in the south island are too friendly. They take stuff, hide it, find out if its food, then come back for more. Then you have to go scrambling though the bush to find what they took. Good job they don't wreck it like Kea do.
I'm so exited about birding in Au. I've got most of NZ's land birds. The seabirds are out at sea ofcourse so harder to get. I will get to use my binos more over there (there not great ones, just nikon aculons 8x40, a upgrate from various cheap ones i lost or broke)
Do you know anything about where is best for sea-eagles in the area?
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Have you seen this? It might help you post your photo's when you need to:
Thanks!!!! does this work/?
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Yes it does!
Thank you!!!
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
That's a lovely photo by the way
Oh thx! That the Mandarin down at the local lake. We call him Ming
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Wow! I didn't know that they were over in NZ! They are such a stunning bird
Well He is NZ's mandarin. he has been in the wild for over a year so he counts on my life list. he was a cative bird at one stage.
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
they don't breed here in NZ though unless in captivty
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Lol! You never cease to amaze me!
Samford Valley Qld.
While you're down here you must check out O'reillys. We went on the weekend and I saw more Regent Bowerbirds in one day than I have in my whole life. Plenty of Satin Bowerbirds, King Parrots and Crimson Rosellas as well. Oh and we also saw a Noisy Pitta. May post some photos later. But the birds are used to people and the parrots and Regent Bowerbirds land on your head! In fact they come sooo close I didn't use my 150-600mm lens at all just my 18-270mm. Cheers Devon
Sounds awesome! I don't think we will have enough time though, and its a bit far from sunshine coast.
Love to see your photos!
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Just got my Simp. and Day. very Happy!!!!!
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Yay!! What edition is it? I've been given the 5th and the 7th editions, they're pretty much the same though
I hope you enjoy looking through it!
I've got the 8th. I've been getting one from the libray till now. Cannot right notes in the lib. one. I love it!
I might get the east coast and ranges one too or the morcome pocket ed.
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
a v good guide; 2 corrections - p114 the Crested Tern images are named the wrong way; p254 range map for Pied Butcherbird is incorrect
Thanks! though which crested tern images are wrong?
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
the RH upper image is labelled 'Lesser Crested Tern' but it is a Crested Tern (previously Greater Crested tern): note the yellow bill and refer to the words
the RH 2nd image is labelled 'Crested Tern' but it is a Lesser Crested Tern; note the orange bill and refer the words
Thank you!
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm
Oh the beck on the little black cormorant on page 260 looks like a little pied cormorant beck.
Young Birder Age 14
Canon 40D + Sigma 120-400mm