Wonga Pigeon

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oconnore51's picture
Wonga Pigeon

Not a great photo, i know, but it was fun to see this bird.

028 by Ann Connor, on Flickr

brian63's picture

Agree Ann they are fun to see, very photogenic

laza's picture

Nice work Ann

another new one for me

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well


Great work - a good bird to find.  Looks like you were quite close to it as well.

Where did you take that picture?

oconnore51's picture

Thank you!  I came across another bush track WD, the Callicoma Walk, in Cherrybrook, another remnant forest, beautiful bushland,  Part of the Berowra National Park.  I saw a pair of Eastern Whipbirds as well.  A pair of Wongas were just strolling down the track, I heard them first, making their strange call



Yes its great bushland in Berowa NP. I have seen the occassional solitary wonga pigeon, found them rather flighty individuals too  - thats a very good sighting to get two of them in clear view like that.

Woko's picture

Having watched tonight the ABC's exposure of apparently illegal & extensive bushland clearance in NSW I wonder how long it'll be before the bushland clearance thugs move in on national parks like Berowa. It seems they won't get any resistance from the current state government should they decide to do so. Bird watchers need to be very active in protecting all native vegetation if they wish their birding spots to remain intact.  

oconnore51's picture

Yes, that's true.


oconnore51's picture

Yes, Woko, all too true.


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