Leschenault Inlet

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laza's picture
Leschenault Inlet

Off on holidays for a few weeks so local inlet birds get a rest from me

So one last jaunt

Australian Shelducks: Eagle Dreams

Whistling Kite enjoyed the first rays of the day

While a friend had a face off with another inlet resident raptor

White faced Herons

Great Egret also using a tree roost

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Fantastic variety Laza, were these all captured in one outing?  Love those cheeky Shelducks. 

West Coast Tasmania

Devster's picture

Great set laza. Love the Shelducks as I am yet to see one of those.


Some interesting characters in trees there laza - very nice nice selection. Great shot of the whistling kite.

HelloBirdy's picture

I'm loving the Shelducks too. Great set!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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