Black Currawong (Tasmanian Endemic)

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dwatsonbb's picture
Black Currawong (Tasmanian Endemic)

Taken on the Pipeline Track between Neika and Ferntree at the base of Mount Wellington, Tasmania.

Black Currawong by Dale Watson, on FlickrBlack Currawong by Dale Watson, on Flickr2Q5A1242 by Dale Watson, on Flickr

sue818's picture

Nice ones, Dale. What a massive bill!

RJJT's picture

Dale, more good photos. I’d guess not too many little birds about at the same time as this Currawong.

dwatsonbb's picture

Thanks Sue and RJJT. The bills are massive. RJJT, I heard plenty of smaller birds in the scrub, but in a walk of 15klm over 6 hours, only managed to photograph 3 species!! Sighted a Dusky Robin, no photo, was too fast for me, and I was in macro mode at the time!

Had a good day none the less (managed my 1st photo of the Tasmanian Srubwren - posted separately)

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers's picture

I loved hearing the Black Currawongs in Tasmania - so different to our Pied Currawongs - these guys sound like they are playing with a toy trumpet! They were pretty ubiquitous across our whole Tassie trip - very much enjoyed seeing and hearing them. Never did see a Grey Currawong despite looking hard - and possibly offended some Blacks by paying too much attention to their underparts! :-) 

dwatsonbb's picture

Thanks Alex, can usually hear them and occosionally catch a glimpse as they fly buy. The calls are very distinctively different, usually ID by call and visually confirm, although not that easy!

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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