I saw a small bird the size of a robin. It was black with a striking yellow band under it throat. Spotted in the forest in SE Qld. Have never seen anything so beautful before. Would like to know what it could be. Of course it was too quick to get a pic
Black and yellow bird
Sun, 15/06/2008 - 07:44

Black and yellow bird
What other info can you supply, Where exactly in SEQ, what kind of forest, what flying motion did it have, anythind at all about it?
See Yez
Not sure we have enough to go on but try Eastern Yellow Robin, Crested Shrike-tit or maybe a Golden Whistler, none of these are black and yellow but in the forest they could look that way. I can only think of two B&Y and they are a Yellow- breasted Boatbill but thay are not (or should not be)in your area and a Narcissus Flycather but this has only been recorded once in Oz and that was a long way from SEQ.
Ed Townsville NQ
Thanks for the reply’s as it has me stumped.
It isn’t any of the suggested though I can t get a pic of the Narcissus Flycatcher
I saw it in a forest near Woodford. It was in a thick wooded natural forest and on the other side was a pine plantation.
I thought it maybe a regent bowerbird (I have never seen one and unsure of its size) and I’m sure this bird had only a yellow ‘cut throat’and rich black alover. It was small maybe the size of a Willie wag tail. Its flight pattern was a quick burst and then rest followed by another burst. It was in the tree jumping from branch to branch and appeared to be looking for insects.
Yellow bellied sun bird maybe.
Got me really stumped as well. I am wondering how thick the bush is, sometimes shadows can drasticly alter colours and hide colours as well. Other than that I am also thinking domestic escapee.
See Yez
link to narcissus fc pictures, almost sure this is not your bird but it is a beauty so worth a look (hope the link works)
Ed Townsville NQ
very nice bird indeed Ed. Thanks for the link.
See Yez
what about a yellow-throated scrub-wren
quite common in some areas in qld
Cheers, Owen.