Hi there, I am a very amatuer bird watcher so the bird that i have seen may be very common but i have never seen this sort in my backyard before. It was dark and the bird was high in a gum tree so it was a little difficult to see but it was a large bird (cockatoo size aprox) the main section of it body was grey looking with a black tail and a black collar. It also had a red head.
Sorry if the description is vague but its really bugging me that i cant seem to find a picture that looks like this bird!
Hope you can help!
What bird is this?
Wed, 05/08/2009 - 05:46

What bird is this?
HI Osty
It could have been a Gang-gang Cockatoo If you are in the south NSW or VIC.
I'm in South East QLD.
HI I am not knowing then need more info
Wow i just got a better look at it as it has changed positions and it seems to be some kind of turkey!
I feel a bit silly but i didn't realise they hung out at the top of gum trees!
Yep so i just looked it up and i believe its just an Australian Brush Turkey. I have alot to learn! Its very interesting to know that they like high altitudes as i was not aware of that!
What a coincidence! As soon as I had finished reading this post, I got a phone call from my partner saying he was looking at two brush Turkeys up a power pole.
Hope the pics work:
This one might be a bit larger (hopefully)
I've never seen them that high, but have seen them up in trees.
Interesting :)
Camping once, I woke up to find my tent covered in bird sh** That evening two brush turkeys flew into the tree above me.
Yeah the turkey has decided to take up residence in our backyard now. It just wont leave! :)