I assume this is a young (male) koel - I photographed it in our neighbour's crepe myrtle this morning. He has been there for several days, uttering the same monotonous sound over and over - I guess he is impatiently waiting for his foster parents to feed him, though he doesn't seem to get much attention. The patterns on the wings seem a bit unusual.
Odd Kristensen
Sorry Kris can't see your image :) You have to upload to a host platform such as FLick and then transfer the location to here or you can do it through the photo forum and browse direct from your computer by scrolling down and finding the browse button. I think this feature is only available in the Photo forum though.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Kristensen - birdie is correct - you need to upload your photo to Flickr or Photobucket in order to post it. Once you have uploaded it, copy it's http: details and then type [ img ] paste and then [ / img ] (note remove all the spaces). That will allow your image to show up.
Thanks for the advise - trying again
Hi Kris, here I have posted it for you and you are absolutely correct, definitely a young Koel, beautiful isn't it?
All you needed to do was to put the [img]directly before the image location and [/img] directly after the location with no spaces.
PS nice shot!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Birdie, thanks for your help. At one point last week there were four koels in the same tree - 2 males/2 females. This is one of the females - I think it shows off the beautiful feathers rather well.
Not having much success here, am I
Ha ha ha ... my code disappeared of course into nothingness
so it is [ img ] then image location pasted from Flickrhttp://farm6.static.flickr.com/5136/5406721780_df3c46ff87.jpg then [ img ] but with no spaces in between any of it.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
mistake in my code there...try this
so it is [ img ] then image location pasted from Flickr http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5136/5406721780_df3c46ff87.jpg then [ /img ] but with no spaces in between any of it.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
OddKris - you need the website address for the image that has the .jpg on the end as birdie has said.
You are nearly there I promise :)
Thanks for your patience and advice.
The FAQ page in Flickr suggests that the direct link to the photo file will no longer be provided. I have inserted the link above that I obtained under 'Share This'.
Final try
Woohoo.... well done at last!!!
They are lovely shots of a beautiful bird Oddkris
The link is definitely working as you can see.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
What a beautiful photo, Kris. I have never seen a Koel.