Hi, my name is David and we've just moved from the Central West of NSW to Leura in the Blue Mountains. I'm looking forward to sharing sightings and pics with you all!
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Welcome Sherro, I think you will get some lovely photos up your way. Look forward to seeing your posts!
Thanks for the welcome Wanda. It's such a relaxing place to live, and the birds are good for the soul after a hard day at work
I could not agree more. I am at the foot of the Blue Mountains near Penrith. This is a very good website with lots of wonderful photos and photographers and very helpful information from all the people who visit. Like I said look forward to seeing more of your photos.
Gidday Sherro and welcome.
Hi Cath and Shane, and thanks for the welcome
Hi everyone, My name is Dave and I live in Oatley. I'm a bit amused to see the heirarchy that native birds have, that is, in my backyard, the Noisey Miners are top bird in the cooler months. The warmer months brings Cockatoos and Lorikeets into the backyard and I'm surprised how the rainbows chase the cockies away.
Welcome to the forum Dave. Yep, the "Hierarchy", just like in our world, the noisy bullies are at the top. (on this forum we try not to bully anyone)LOL. Looking forward to hear more from you.
Welcome mate. You don't happen to be by chance the David I spoke to on the Lithgow train when I boarded at Parramatta yesterday afternoon and you were looking at B&H photography on the web for the 100-400L lens?
In any case, welcome. I am just near Penrith too close to the lakes and river. The best birding in Sydney by far and the mountains so close! :)
No, sorry, must have been yet another Dave. I'm mostly a backyard observer of the birds that come into it. My comment stems from watching a lorrikeet harass a cockatoo. I planted sunflowers to attract them and just as a cocky was grasping the flower head he had just broken off, the lorrikeet had a go at him and he dropped it.
Hi Windhover, advice from an old bird (me), to a young bird (you),as I have travelled a bit, in life you meet lots of people, and only after you left, you think: I should have asked ....(what ever).You should not wonder in life, you should act, or you will never know.... Just a dose of my philosophy. :-(
Sorry eldave, I means Sherro who is also Dave. :)
Thanks Marie-Louise for the insight. :)
Hi all, sorry for not responding sooner. As you know, life gets in the way....
Windover, not me on the train, I'm afraid, and eldave proves that there's a few "Dave's" around!