White-eared Honeyeater

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Owen1's picture
White-eared Honeyeater

One of the many HE's around Kamarooka State Park, Vic recently. I sat down beside the dam near their favourite spot and waited for them to come.

What have I done wrong the larger image won't load.? 

Araminta's picture

Hi Owen, this photo is great, I love Honey Eaters, you captured this one so well, it has a great intensity and pose to it.

As for the posting, I have those problems quite often, it's not our fault.


Maureen's picture

It's a nice clear picture. The bird's features stand out without the foliage background.

clif2's picture

Hi Owen1, I don't think you have done anything wrong, Roger on here explained that the photos when uploaded are being downsized for the Web and as a result you get a loss of colour, contrast and sharpness, because they are probably changed into another colour space, if you right click on the image and select " view image info" it will show you more accurately what the photo should be like. By the way still a nice shot all the same.



Araminta's picture

I don't think Owen is talking about that Shane, sometimes images won't load, and it takes a long time for them to come up on a thread. I have the same problem. The photo is sharp.


Karen's picture

Lovely pic.  Lovely bird. 

Brisbane southside.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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