The only tinge of orange/pinkish-brown i see is from your picture. In your defence of course you are going to say its not yellow, you just dont like to be "wrong". You clearly dont know how to distinguish between different shades of colours :)
No the cat hasn't cut my tongue. What would make you think that? I do have a life to live and things to do instead of worrying about someone's smart ass commentary who is hiding behind a false mask.
LOL Akos a comedian are we? Is it too hard to accept the fact there are grey fantails out there with yellow bellies?? Arent the pictures provided enough to open your eyes or are you just so caught up in your ego because someone else spotted the bird before you did. either your colourblind or your just in denial. Have a great day buddy
Oh my dear Marie-Louise, I will never speak to you again, because you are colour blind and I better put my massive ego back in my lunchbox, aye Noel Jazzi?
Its all good guys, making a big deal over a bird. When the proof is there you guys cant get it through ur thick minds. end of story...yaddi yaddi ya...perhaps your missing a page in your bird id books.
Hey Soakes, sorry, don't know your real name. I am also baffled by Jazzi's comments about it being yellow. I know who he is and that he is hiding behind his alias, but I am not going to breach privacy like he just did on Facebook.
I told him that I checked the colours on the bird's belly and none have any yellow. Photoshop's colour sampling tool does not lie. They are all brown tones, some light and some dark. There's absolutely no yellows there. Even in dim light, yellows would be yellow when captured by the camera's sensor. I just don't think Jazzi understands that. That's all. Too bad. I am done with this.
So what is the consensus? I've got a few shots, not as close up as I'd like but in one a grey fantail looks like it has a pale yellow breast and in another couple of shots almost orange in colour. I thought it might have been light reflection or perhaps young and not mature yet.
I wish we could delete comments (or the forum was clever enough to automatically delete duplicates).
- soakes
Deleting of comments is something only admins and mods can do - don't ask the forum to automatically delete duplicates - I don't think I could cope with setting that up LOL
Nicely perched. Lovely shot. Thanks for sharing.
a great pic, thanks
Yes, a lovely shot. I love watching these birds dart around from tree to tree.
Selby, Victoria
Wonderful! Thanx.
Your shot really shows what to look for in a juvenile grey fantail, Araminta. Love it.
Wonderful stuff Marie-Louise! Lovely, lovely. Where is the yellow belly?
Great pic
Thanks everyone.
( Akos, only in WA
You guys obviously havnt been to WA then
Well then Jazzi, post a "Yellow-bellied Fantail" Akos and I want to see it!
Sure here you go....
Thanks, I have to sit in my corner and think now......
I wonder what Akos has to say.....
I thought that 'yellow-bellied' Grey Fantails were just guilty of not washing enough
Feb '11 Coraki; Apr '11 Tinchi Tamba Wetlands, Bald Hills, north Brisbane, Qld; Apr '12 Jersyville, South West Rocks, NSW
Hey Marie-Louise and Akos, has the cat got your tongue ???
No, I don't think this is yellow, it's a tinge of orange/pinkish-brown.
The only tinge of orange/pinkish-brown i see is from your picture. In your defence of course you are going to say its not yellow, you just dont like to be "wrong". You clearly dont know how to distinguish between different shades of colours :)
No the cat hasn't cut my tongue. What would make you think that? I do have a life to live and things to do instead of worrying about someone's smart ass commentary who is hiding behind a false mask.
Aye Noel?
Your bird's belly does look purple to me. LMAO.
see ya
LOL Akos a comedian are we? Is it too hard to accept the fact there are grey fantails out there with yellow bellies?? Arent the pictures provided enough to open your eyes or are you just so caught up in your ego because someone else spotted the bird before you did. either your colourblind or your just in denial. Have a great day buddy
LMAO too, then again, what would an Artist like me know about colours? Very funny!
Oh my dear Marie-Louise, I will never speak to you again, because you are colour blind and I better put my massive ego back in my lunchbox, aye Noel Jazzi?
Its all good guys, making a big deal over a bird. When the proof is there you guys cant get it through ur thick minds. end of story...yaddi yaddi ya...perhaps your missing a page in your bird id books.
Hey guys - keep it pleasant please
I don't understand this thread.
FWIW, the grey fantails in my region (Gippsland, Vic) do not have yellow bellies (or lily-livers).
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
I wish we could delete comments (or the forum was clever enough to automatically delete duplicates).
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Hey Soakes, sorry, don't know your real name. I am also baffled by Jazzi's comments about it being yellow. I know who he is and that he is hiding behind his alias, but I am not going to breach privacy like he just did on Facebook.
I told him that I checked the colours on the bird's belly and none have any yellow. Photoshop's colour sampling tool does not lie. They are all brown tones, some light and some dark. There's absolutely no yellows there. Even in dim light, yellows would be yellow when captured by the camera's sensor. I just don't think Jazzi understands that. That's all. Too bad. I am done with this.

Sorry my dearest Marie-Louise for the ranting.
just as I said before, my " Artist Eye", hardly ever lets me down. I can tell shades of brown/ shades of grey from yellow.
And you are absolutely right soaks, at least where we, and most other Australians live, there are no yellow-bellied Fantails.So, don't be confused.
And Akos, I don't think you are ranting, just trying very hard to get through a concrete wall.
Sorry, should have said: soakes! My mistake.
So what is the consensus? I've got a few shots, not as close up as I'd like but in one a grey fantail looks like it has a pale yellow breast and in another couple of shots almost orange in colour. I thought it might have been light reflection or perhaps young and not mature yet.
Selby, Victoria
Yes Kathie, some of them, and I have posted some photos recently, do have an orange tinge.
Deleting of comments is something only admins and mods can do - don't ask the forum to automatically delete duplicates - I don't think I could cope with setting that up LOL
So, it's settled then? Mind you, it has been amusing watching the banter.
Selby, Victoria
wow, I wasn't aware of the hidden agenda when I posted my pics
no offence intended Araminta & Windhover