This afternoon we went to Flinders (on the Mornington Peninsula), all the trees along Main street were in flower, and countless Lorikeets were having a feast. Can you imagine the noise they made ? The trees were surrounded by people taking photos with their phones. I have to say, I have never seen Flowering Gums more beautiful than those. Here are some photos:
Musk Lorikeets
Sun, 13/01/2013 - 22:06

Musk Lorikeets
The colour is stunning in these photos M-L
One of my favourites , had a couple in the backyard the other day . Thanks M-L
I'm so jealous right now :)
Well done M-L! Closer than I've ever been to this species. Colours look fantastic.
Melbourne, VIC
Beautiful birds! Never seen any in our area.
You've done it again, Araminta!
Araminta, your photos are absolutely superb!!!
Do you mind sharing what type of camera you use
Not at all Curtis, I use a SONY SLT-A77V camera, and a SONY 75-400mm G lens.
WOW! That will help very much with your bird photography. Your a proffessional photographer I must say.
Thanks Curtis, I'm not ignoring you from now on, but I'm busy listening to the brigade , there is a fast moving fire heading away from us for the moment, but we expect a wind change , that might push the fire back to us.Love to talk to you later.
Yes, I have heard of the fires this afternoon (east of Melbourne?).
That must be near you. I hope everything is ok, and keep safe/cool!
Thanks Curtis, it is about 12 km from us, that sounds a long way, but it all depends on the strength of the wind, it is "under control", so they say. But they are still assembling strike teams to work on it. With fires situations can change. When I heard it on my scanner, it was clear from the start that it was arsen. Fires at either end of a road just don't happen like that. Then 2 more along the same road, and you know. Boy do I hope they catch them.
And its not only threatening people and their homes, its also burning the bushland home to animals and our birds.
I clearly cannot understand why people do this, as well as litering, when I go birdwatching, 90% of the time I see rubbish (usually beer bottles and soft drink cans all over the place) and also dumped furniture.
Here I go. Right off topic again. But, is there a case for attempted murder charges to be brought against arsonists? Or even murder charges in the event of someone dying from a fire lit by an arsonist?
Don't I wish there was. Just before the brigade was called to some neighbours, only 3 houses down from us. 20 young, I hate to say it, but absolute idiots, having a party and a huge bond fire. Three trucks turned up, and very friendly put the fire out and left.Just a minute ago they started to do donuts on the road, screaming up and down the road. I dare not go to sleep now, that's how scared I am. You can't tell me, once they are so drunk and pumped up with drugs, that they don't throw buts in the grass? No point ringing the Police either, there is no law against having a Party.
That's a very powerless position to be in, Araminta. Not to mention totally scary, wondering if you're going to be fighting a bushfire at any tick of the clock. I may sound like an old fogey, but it seems there are weaker & weaker boundaries around people's behaviour at present. Anything goes.
Very jealous M-L!! I have these in my garden every day now feeding on plums but they are wary and won't let me get close. Always wanted a good shot of one but I'll just have to be patient.
Cheers, Owen.