Well I stumped many of you last week! I knew it would be a challenging one but I loved the photos that were posted. This week I am going to leave it open for interpretation. The theme is 'Contrast'. That could be contrast of habitat with the type of bird, contrast of colours... its up to you...
What could be more of a contrast than "black&whate"?
Here is a Magpie Lark.
One more of the same bird, enjoy.
Love it! What software are you using?
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
Thanks for the nice compliment Neville. I only use the PMB program from Sony , that came with my camera to upload . I don't work on my photos, I have downloaded the free program from photoscape, but don't use it either. I'm not clever enough
, my photos are what they are.
Hi everyone
Bit difficult this week but I am sure the photos will be diverse which is great, I have attached two, the first one is a red rumped parrot in flight, no mean feat as they are as quick as a wink when they take off, and the second ,which I could not capture in flight is the scarlet robin, which I captured when we went camping on the weekend to Orroral Valley a few kms from Canberra in the Namadgi National Park, thought I would see lots of birds but the trees were so big and most of the birds very small like the robin, so photos were a bit tricky.
Cheers Diane
I will start with one that has contrast in the ocean and sky, but it does have a silver gull in there
sunrise-4782 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
love all of them
Here comes "Red&White"
(yes, I was very close, nothing done to it, minimal crop)
A contrast in greens and yellows ( he has uploaded duller than my original)
Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
Nice Teresa, Silvereyes come in vast coulour variations, I have some that even have a purple tinge.
What a contrast, nature verses throw-away society. How sad is that

The contrast here is between "Life and Death". One animal's death , means one animal's life.
(the little bird is a Reed Warbler, no idea what kind of insect)
Red on Black
Sooty Oystercatcher-0693 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Contrast between the two lighter colours - red and white,and the darker colours - purple and black.
Here we go - contrast between our resident Pacific Black Ducks and a White-eyed Duck (Hardhead) who came visiting this morning. :)
Lol, now you are playing with us, putting your watermark in the top right
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
Nice shot!
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
Impressive, what focal length and f stop? Sorry folks, the com,ents just seem to be going straight down, not sure what I am doing wrong. This was to M-L regarding the photo of the bird on the pavement.. The lol was to do with the reflection by M-L
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
Wow Diane, the first shot is phenomenal! Well done.
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
My head portrait contribution for the week, not taken this week in Australia, but enjoy anyway. White on colour
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
Hi Neville, on the photo of the Wattlebird, F 5.6 shutter speed 1/500sec ISO 1000
(used my old SONY SLT-A55V camera, but the bigger Sony 70-400mm G lens), distance from the bird, about 6m, lens fully extended. Photo has been cropped a bit though,
The contrast in this photo is more on an emotinal level. Everyone will have a different response to it. For me it's a sad statement of the contrast between the concret jungle , the last bit of nature, and a bird lost between the two.
Black and White
Little Pied Cormorant-4762 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Little Pied Cormorant-4765 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Beautiful Shorty
One more from me. The best camouflage is : no contrast

There are so many options which come under "Contrast" -
I thought about putting up photos of the "Long and the Short" birds which visit us, just couldn't decide.
Anyway, these few come under the title "Birds On A Wire" and show some of the varieties we see here. (Victoria Point, bayside suburb of Brisbane"
The wires are the main and subsidiary power lines which go down from the house to the sheds at the back. Most of these photos were taken from our back verandah.
So, I present
"Birds On A Wire"
Here are couple of shots of a crimson rosella this morning getting impatient having to wait for the bird bath. First was the wattle bird and the a magpie, this rosella was really getting anxious. in the end flew away in disgust, as another magpie took the next slot!
Diane - Canberra
A bit of fun contrast
Royal Spoonbill and superb fairy wren by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Wow is the only word! Thank you
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
Good one rawshorty
Lovely photos everyone :)
Thank you both.......it's what i do when stuck at home and bored
Shorty......Canon gear
I love this photo, great capture......well done

Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
Thank you Teresa, but just to make it clear, it is a composite image done in Photoshop
Shorty......Canon gear
Yes you had me fooled until you said you did it at home when you got bored. It was only then I looked at the way the blue bird was standing
Olympus OM-D EM-5, mZuiko 70-300mm, Zuiko 50-200 SWD, 1.4TC, Zuiko 12-60mm, mZuiko 12-50mm
One more from me. (make it two
red-green, red-brown.

That's beautiful M-L! What birds are they?
Mr&Mrs Chestnut Teal. Thanks Tim, nice of you to like them.