FIRST there was one!
Noticed this little fellow just before Christmas when what I thought was a baby duck didn't take off with the flock but just disappeared with a "bloop".
We thought we were seeing things!
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THEN there were TWO!
Found this one side of the dam
The quick flick and cover up
Ok - so I'm resting/nesting - what is it to you?
At least 3 eggs! Clever aren't we?
Sorry about the quality of this one - they didn't trust me that much!
(Refer to quick flick and cover up photo)
Baby what big feet you have!
All the better to swim really, really fast.
Babies at last - all three eggs have hatched.
Swimming lessons with Dad - he took this baby underwater for a couple of quick shallow dives.
We are so blessed to have these gorgeous little birds living with us.
I hope you all enjoy these photos, as much as I have enjoyed taking them.
Is this a Grebe?
Yes Alan
These are Australasian Grebes.
Fabulous aren't they?
Fact sheet included in first post "First there was One"
Gorgeous Chris. Did you get any photos of the babies that show their feet? Now that you have seen my photos under Bird of the week, I only have photos of them in the water, I have never seen them walk on land. Have you? Do they have feet like the little coots? I would love to see some
Do their feet look like these? This is a juvenile Coot. They have huge feet.

Here you go M-L.
I've played with resizing the two photos already posted above to see what we had for feet. To me it looks like they are identical to mum's feet ?- a bit hard to tell but by looking at the colours below the little one with the water droplet on it's beak I would say so.
BTW - I was surprised to see how big their feet are in relation to the size of the birds, and these photos are the only ones that show feet (I think).
Because mostly the parents are seen swimming around or sitting on the nest, I was very surprised to get the photo of mum standing like that.
Most of my photos have been taken from the other side of the dam to the nest, especially if they are moving around. They trust me enough by the sound of my voice and the camera clicking that if I walk slowly they will generally stay put and look at me, but don't normally move around until I go away.
Initially if I appeared at all and looked like I might be heading towards them, the "quick flick and cover up" was the result. Over time I've been able to get within a couple of meters, standing on the dam wall.
I can't see much small detail from any distance over about 20 metres, and so a lot of my photography is "point, click and Hope"
We had a wind storm here the other night, which dislodged the nest site plant and sent the whole lot across to the other side of the dam.
For some reason I walked to the dam after putting the horses away in the stables, no camera - naturally.
The parents were frantic, mum was on the nest still, but dad was continuously diving and calling at the old site, which made me think that perhaps the eggs had hatched. All quite dramatic for a while, THESE BIRDS CAN FLY!
Could not believe my eyes - dad treed four Swamp Hens!
Anyway, next morning I bush bashed to a spot overlooking the nest, talking aloud all the while so that the birds knew it was me.
Basically I just pointed the camera at the nest and kept clicking, just in case. (I think I took over 100 photos)
Inside, uploaded the photos to the laptop and VOILA! Babies. This was Wednesday morning (20th March) and the babies are only about two inches long, if that.
No, we've never seen them walk on land and until the night of the storm never seen them fly either.
OK, enough drivel, here are the photos.
Thanks so much for goinging through the trouble of enlarging the photos to show me their feet. I think they look just like the Coot's feet.
I have watched the ones in my photos every time I went to the shops, they were in a local park. I have never seen them even come close to the water's edge.
I hope to get some more comments about "your Babies" as they grow.