A few thought about the word “Portrait”: the definition of a Portrait in Art, is a depiction of the subject’s face/head and shoulders. But it also has to give you some indication of their personality. The background of a portrait is irrelevant. (learned that at Art school) If you take the French word apart , the translation means: porter- carry , and trait- character. Exactly how I would perceive it.
(just thought I shared that, if anybody is interested?)
So my next photo would not fit into the category "Portrait", because there is no obvious head
I love the headshots! Here are a few of my favourites. The Raven, White Ibis and Musgovy Duck are from Olympic Park, Sydney. The Spoonbill is from Warriewood Wetlands and has been posted before but I like it.
Silver Gull. Ok , sorry kinda new at this and i am not sure why my picture is not showing here . I copied the link from my flickr account and clicked the picture icon (above) but all i have is a square with a cross in it . HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!
Just tried ''medium 800'' with the williewagtail ..Thanks ever so much , i love it when things work. Look out i will be posting crazy now !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everybodys photos are so beautiful, I hope to get a day off soon to spend some time with my camera my birds and my photos instead of my work and my books.......sigh
Hi everyone I have attached a couple of my little thornbills in my birdbath and my particular favorite the cockatoo. I have been busy and have not been on line for a while and have missed everyone's photos. Diane
I finally got close enough to a bird for a head shot infact he was the one who got closer, right on the other side of the fence. not the best since I was standing on a chair with a one year old tugging at the leg but it will do lol
Our baby Australasian Grebe in the early morning sun a few days ago - see through
Eclectus Parrot male even thou i didnt take this pic in the wild it was taken at Flying High Bird Habitat at Apple Tree Creek, near Childers.
i may never seen them in the wild but it was great to see them up close the colours of them are amazing.
Bush Thick-knee.
same Bush Thick-knee.
Female Chestnut Teal.

and the male Chestnut Teal
Juvenile White-throated Treecreeper.
these are prob the closest I have to portraits
Great shots everyone.
I will start with some full body portraits
Shorty......Canon gear
do you want some more? I've got about 200 portraits. As you know, I always sneak up close

and the eye of a Silver Gull.
Baby Eastern Spinebill
Tiny Weenie Baby Mistletoe Bird bathing on a hot 40 degree day under the sprinklers in my backyard . Armadale Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Welcome Swallow
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Chris F
Male Red-Backed Fairy Wren
Red-Backed Fairy Wren Females
Swamp Hen
Some head shots
Shorty......Canon gear
Wow Shorty, love the Brolga
Tawny Frogmouth from me.
Great Australian Egret
(yes Shorty, I have cleaned the sensor, the smudge is now gone)
juvenile Easten Spinebill
Pacific Gull (immature second year)
Yellow Robin sitting on her nest.
That Robin on the nest is awesome M-L
Some shots from the "walk in aviary" Canberra.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thanks Shorty, love yours
Two Straw-necked Ibis, and one young male Wood Duck

my friend "Janet"

......and a Portrait of a
Cape Berren Goose. (last one for the day
Kookaburra before and after diving for worms . Guess where? The wet horse poo pile
Wait until he comes home

Sacred Ibis (Australian White Ibis)
A few thought about the word “Portrait”: the definition of a Portrait in Art, is a depiction of the subject’s face/head and shoulders. But it also has to give you some indication of their personality. The background of a portrait is irrelevant. (learned that at Art school) If you take the French word apart , the translation means: porter- carry , and trait- character. Exactly how I would perceive it.
(just thought I shared that, if anybody is interested?)
So my next photo would not fit into the category "Portrait", because there is no obvious head

Baby Superb Fairy Wren sitting on the edge of the nest. Facing the outside world , seconds before coming out.
mother wren feeding.
Bronzewing drinking.
Not just a pretty head, the rest of the Spotted Pardalote isn't bad either

I love the headshots! Here are a few of my favourites. The Raven, White Ibis and Musgovy Duck are from Olympic Park, Sydney. The Spoonbill is from Warriewood Wetlands and has been posted before but I like it.
I love the cold stare of the Raven, reminds me of horror movies

one more from me
, a Black-winged Stilt
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I'm going to try, have a look at your private messages. Heeeelp is on it's way
Thanks M-L
I think you need a link with a .img at the end of it...
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Well done
, you can also use "medium 800" , it does fit on the forum.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Just tried ''medium 800'' with the williewagtail ..Thanks ever so much , i love it when things work
. Look out i will be posting crazy now !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
A couple more from me.
M-L, i keep laughing everytime i look at the Kookaburra covered in horse poo
Shorty......Canon gear
Everybodys photos are so beautiful, I hope to get a day off soon to spend some time with my camera my birds and my photos instead of my work and my books.......sigh

Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
Hi everyone I have attached a couple of my little thornbills in my birdbath and my particular favorite the cockatoo. I have been busy and have not been on line for a while and have missed everyone's photos. Diane
Some great photos to date. These are the only real portraits that I have.
1. Brown Thornbill in my backyard
2. Australian Spotted Crake at Mill Park Lakes.
3. Brown Goshawk in my BY.
4. Masked Lapwing at our local park.
Thanks for viewing.
Melbourne, VIC
Southern Boobook, taken this afternoon.I just love the reflection in the eye, you can clearly see the stable and the door.
I finally got close enough to a bird for a head shot
infact he was the one who got closer, right on the other side of the fence. not the best since I was standing on a chair with a one year old tugging at the leg but it will do lol