Well today I went to Lake Gwelup in Western Australia and saw 2 Mute Swans. This is now 145 birds marked off my list now , I am slowly getting there. They were quite a ways out on the water so these are the best that I could take. Enjoy. !
#145 Mute Swans
Wed, 22/05/2013 - 22:42

#145 Mute Swans
Nice photos shoop,I've never seen these before.
Head over to Lake Gwelup , I don't think its that far from Joondalup. The Mute Swans have been at Lake Gwelup since the 11/5/13 by the bird sighting page. You will see the pair of Hobbys there too. Just sorting through my photos now and uploading them to Flickr.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
or very reliable and close-up pics can be had at Northam where they 1st established, I also got a juvenile pic there in March, pics in the "general' thread