I too have never seen a Grebe out of the water and the photo Shorty posted in ''Bird of week'' is truly amazing to see one for the first time out of the water. I was amazed enough when I got sight of one cleaning itself and it had one foot out of the water!
Clears up the question about the shape of their feet beautifully - none of my shots posted in an earlier thread about Grebes are anywhere near as good as these.
I've seen one fly across the water like the one that Shorty posted (great photo BTW Shorty), It was chasing swamp hens away from it's nest.
Wow M-L - The 2nd last one is almost a perfect reflection of the Grebe,nice work!
Hi M-L
Great photos as usual - mind if I join in?
(Can't help myself)
Oh, I see what you did there... trying to trick us like that...
Brandon (aka ihewman)
Now I get it, Chris flipped her photo. Well done
like this one. But yours is much harder to see

True, so true
How about this - possibly a moose on a wooden wall?
, love it, un taureau
Love it, a bull
I too have never seen a Grebe out of the water and the photo Shorty posted in ''Bird of week'' is truly amazing to see one for the first time out of the water. I was amazed enough when I got sight of one cleaning itself and it had one foot out of the water!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Wow Shoop - great photos.
Clears up the question about the shape of their feet beautifully - none of my shots posted in an earlier thread about Grebes are anywhere near as good as these.
I've seen one fly across the water like the one that Shorty posted (great photo BTW Shorty), It was chasing swamp hens away from it's nest.
They're just great little birds to watch.
Hmmmm, had to go looking for Shorty's photo in a different post.
(wow shoop, wow Chris, wow .....
, wow anybody else? Oh, yes, wow M-L, almost forgot her
, think she posted ?)
That's a lot of wow's !
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.