Some from yesterday.
Nankeen Kestrel-6869 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Nankeen Kestrel-6869 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Nankeen Kestrel-6887 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Nankeen Kestrel-6887 by rawshorty, on Flickr
And the reward
Nankeen Kestrel-6901 by rawshorty, on Flickr">Nankeen Kestrel-6901 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Lovely photos. You must have been very close in the second one?
Were these from the wetlands?
Thanks, Lachlan. Yep, pretty close and yes the Wetlands ( my fav spot )
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty, if I had the money, I'd come up to visit your wetlands. Not that I would get photos like you
Don't think anyone could match Shorty's photos!
For me, just getting a photo of a Nankeen Kestrel would be an achievement. How, just how do you keep taking such amazing photos? I'm still jealous!
Absolutely fantastic, love the hover shot
Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well
M.L, when you can get up here i will gladly introduce you to my "friends" and get you nice and close to them.
And i am sure you will get great photos of them.
Thanks again, Lachlan. You just need to find a favorite hangout for them where you live and go there often.
For many months now i have been fine tuning my settings in my camera and taking many pics. Now i only have to take a few to get good ones (practice, practice)
I see better pics than mine online but i am very happy with what i am achieving to date.
Shorty......Canon gear
Amazing photos shorty! I love the colours in the last one!
Thanks, Laza and Elsie. I am glad you enjoy them.
Shorty......Canon gear
Be hard not to enjoy you photos, they are utterly stunning.
Problem with raptors for me is that there aren't really any permanent wetlands around Camden. While the town is on the Nepean River, it is well confined within its banks, and the floodplains have been long (about 200 years, courtesy of the Macarthurs) cleared for farming, and thus you don't get the range of raptors found in one place like up around Penrith, Richmond and Windsor. We do have a good range of raptors in the area that come for the grasslands, but they are quite irregular and hard to repeatedly find again.
Also, there isn't much publicly accessible land close to Camden- most of it is private farmland, government or has acerage houses on it. There are good bush- birds in the reserves (like Mt Annan Botanical Gardens), but most of them don't contain swamps that raptors are so fond of. So I am at a loss on where to go; my Dad really wants to get a photo of a Swamp Harrier, but we can't find any locations that seem like they might be reliable and aren't in Penrith. The Gardens are Ok, but they have a really restrictive curfew that is a absolute pain for biding.
My local list of raptors is: Brown Goshawk, Collared Sparrowhawk, Spotted Harrier, Nankeen Kestrel, Black Shouldered Kite, Wedge Tailed Eagle (there is a local pair, I have been trying to find their lair, but with no success), White Bellied Sea Eagle, Grey Goshawk, Australian Hobby, Little Eagle and Brown Falcon. But none of them stay for long.
I agree with Laza, I always look forward to seeing your photos! I have trouble getting photos of raptors, they just won't sit close enough! Though I shouldn't be complaining, I just got the closest photos I have ever got of a black kite! (They aren't nearly as close as your's though shorty
Thanks again, Lachlan and Elsie. I guess i am a bit spoilt with my wetlands as they are right in town and only 5 min drive from my place. BS Kite and N Kestrel everytime i am there, W Kite 95% of the time and an assortment of others that are less frequent.
Shorty......Canon gear
good pics Shorty, I have some very similar ones
Hmmm, do I detect a little Photoshopping skullduggery Peter?
Stunning as usual Shorty - love the "canvas" (background) in the first shot - compliments the bird wonderfully. 
West Coast Tasmania
Thanks, Ruby. No photoshop from Peter, he was standing next to me taking pics
Shorty......Canon gear
Oooops! Sincere apologies to Peter! Fab shots fellas!
West Coast Tasmania