The raptors were too high so i took some shots of the Dragonflys.
They are too small to auto focus with my 150-500 so i had to manual focus them.
Dragonfly-2418 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Dragonfly-2418 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Dragonfly-2435 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Dragonfly-2435 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Dragonfly-2438 by rawshorty, on Flickr">[/url] Dragonfly-2438 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Incredible, to be able to focus like that, love them all. The last one looks a bit like a helicopter.
Thanks Shorty
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Great photos shorty! Do you know what sort of dragonfly it is?
Thanks, Dale and Elsie. I have no idea what sort it is though.
Shorty......Canon gear
Those shots are amazing. Can't believe you took those with your big lens, just brilliant.
(is there anything you can't do?
Do you also speak 3 languages and play an instrument?
Merci, M-L. Il s'agit en fait 4 langues et 3 instruments de musique
Shorty......Canon gear
Pas mal mon ami, la naissance de « L’Orchestre BIBY ».
Elle est belle, ta Libellule
Amazing shots!
Amazing French!
the common name for this dragonfly is Eastern hawk so in some way you did find a type of raptor shorty. A synthorax without distinct colour pattern and forewings with no colour spots also helped.
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
Oui Woko , mais vous saviez déjà que je parle le Français ? J’avais aucune idée que Shorty parlait aussi bien
, et joue des instruments
?? Il faut lui demander après son retour des vacances.
Wonderful shots shorty!!
West Coast Tasmania