Apologies all - late again! Between the public holiday Monday and my day yesterday (which involved a morning giving a talk to a lovely garden club and an afternoon of back to back phone meetings - not so fun) - I am only just catching up on all my to-do list!
This week lets see birds or bird-associated things starting with the letter C...
Hope it's not cheating to put a few of the names around differently, just a little anyway
Currawong, Black
Coot, Eurasian
Cormorant, Little Pied
Cormorant, Great
West Coast Tasmania
What about a Cee Eagle?
Just remembered another:
Cape Barren Goose
West Coast Tasmania
Lol Lachlan, I think that should count
West Coast Tasmania
Someone around here has to make the bad puns. Might as well be me!
Maybe someone should put up some Cgulls?
But, In a more appropriate manner, here's some Choughs:
The letter C
Chicken ( Chook)
Corella with Coots
Cormorant - Little Pied

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Common Bronzewing
Cockatoos( White-tailed) with Crescent Moon
Cockatoo (Red- tailed)
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Great pics, everyone.
Shorty......Canon gear
A couple of Cwuails, you mean.
couple of Coturnix ypsilophora cuddling
Shorty......Canon gear
Creepy looking
Close up
Coot collecting
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty....you are a Crack up!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I have a coralla, cormorant and a pair of cockatoo
A Ringneck's crimson cap complementing his charming colours:
( Raven ) Crow with a Cracker

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Camouflage or Confused .... either one may be Convincing with this little Cutie.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I had a lovely surprise this afternoon, walking along the river after work. I heard a collossal commotion commencing collectively from a moreton bay fig tree. I realised that a whole host of crazy, cranky, chatterbox noisy miners and callous cowardly crows were causing this collossal calamitous commotion.
Over what? I asked myself
Well, I discovered there were four Channel Billed Cuckoos sitting in different trees, which was prompting the classically cautious crows and unCharitable noisy miners to challenge the Channel-Billed Cuckoos for control of the trees.
Anyway, that's enough of that silliness. :) This was the first time I had seen a Channel-Billed Cuckoo! I was surprised just how large a bird they really are!
Also contributions of a Classy Currawong, a Crazy Noisy Miner, and a Chillaxed Kookaburra.
Cygnets at Bibra Lake WA. ( Sorry so many photos but they were so cute)

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
This sort of counts... and for the Cuckoo topic a while ago.
Found (yet another) new bird for me at Sandy Camp Road Wetlands today - the Brush Cuckoo! (complete with some creepy crawlies for added c-ness)
1: Bush Stone Curlew
2: Cockatoo
3: Cob (male swan)
4: Common Koel
Brisbane southside.
Crested Tern's, Cairns QLD