I am so impressed with everyone's efforts last week - well done for thinking outside the box. Lets keep it going with another letter this week - the letter S
(next week we will move away from the letters, but lets give it another bash now).
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King Parrot and Little Corella...
My excuse this week is that the scientific name of the King Parrot is Alisterus scapularis, and the scientific name of the Little Corella is Cacatua sanguinea.
I have enjoyed visits from scarlet honey-eaters to my garden whilst the gevilleas were in full flower.
Samphire, means birds to me, wrens, chats and many more.
This White-Winged Fairy-Wren I found in a salt pan in WA's wheatbelt.
Sulphur Crested Cockatoos, Stilt (Pied)
Being fairly new to birding, I don't have a huge variety, so some you may have seen before.
Strepera fuliginosa
(Black Currawong)
Spotted Pardalote
Spinebill, Eastern
Australasian Shelduck
Tasmanian Scrubwren
Shrike-thrush, Grey
West Coast Tasmania
Hope no-one minds, may as well keep going
Superb Fairy-wren with a silly smile
Sweet sensible Superb Fairy-Wren sliding off sprouting moss
Soft shaded Strong-billed Honeyeater
Secretive Scrubtit
Silvergull tootsies
(clearly I am now running out of descriptive 's' words) 
West Coast Tasmania
Hahaha RubyE , oh you Started off Shy and then got Strongly into the Spirit of Sharing with Splendid SnapShotS Supported by your Super Smart Simply Funny SenSe of humour that always makes me Smile.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Very nice.
Surely I did Shoop, but you simply set a superb example showing spectacular specimens of speech in last weeks thread. And, oh dear, clearly you win my friend, my thesaurus is broken, hehehe

West Coast Tasmania
More letter S
Sacred Kingfisher sitting on a safety sign.
A Swan, Shelduck and Shovelers
Stilt having a scratchie salute
Sneaky Spying Sittella
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Spotted Harrier
love everyone's S birds - there are quite a few when you look. Dredged through my files to see if I could come up with some different ones - first is a spangled drongo, a spotted dove, the beautiful sea eagle, some little silvereyes and last but not least the starling looking glam with the late afternoon sun.
Several more .
Swans (Mute)
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Some more from my backyard.
Sea Eagles
Singing Superb
Spangled Drongo
Scared Kingfisher
Shag on a stick (sorry)
Silly Look (Double sorry)
Squawking Sparrow
West Coast Tasmania
Not my backyard, but was for a short period.
Secretary Bird
Yellow billed.
White neck
grey crowned
Wow I have only taken a couple of these type of birds and that was overseas , fantastic photos by the way, what are the vultures feeding on and where exactly were these taken . Fabulous capture and great to see a complete mix up. That secretary bird is one strange awesome bird indeed, wouldn't mind getting myself one of them !
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.