Black Friday in the US

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Lachlan's picture
Black Friday in the US

I don't know how many of you are still buying gear, but I've been getting messages over the last couple of days about the Black Friday sales in the US for Thanksgiving. There are some pretty neat sales on, if you don't mind buying stuff from overseas.

Are cameras and lenses from overseas exactly the same as ones bought in Australia (except they come sans Australian warranty, I guess)?

rawshorty's picture

Yep, they are the same but you will have to send the gear back to the US for warranty.

The rebates you will find only apply to US residents.

Buying online from overseas is not as good as it was last year, with our dollar dropping and US price rises there is not enough savings for the hasstles IMO.

Buying second hand is my favourite way, but sometimes it takes a while to wait for a good price.

Shorty......Canon gear


Lachlan's picture

Shame... I didn't realise that rebates only apply to US citizens... Still, some of the savings offered otherwise look worth it: one lens I was looking at costs $700 or so here and is on sale for just under $500...

Note: I read that the can be problems with power adaptors for American stuff, so I suppose that knocks cameras off the list. I suppose lenses would be ok?

rawshorty's picture

A simple and cheap adaptor is all you need for power supply to battery charger ( my 7D is US with adaptor and no problems )

If you can get a bargin then go for it.wink

Check these guys out, Teds (and other stores i would think ) will price match them.

Shorty......Canon gear


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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