Not sure if adding a flickr link will work but here goes ( otherwise I will have to post through youtube)
Magpie Lark enjoying having a bath in one of 3 bird baths I have in my backyard.
Oh I love the idea of the bowl in the birdbath shoop - a tierd bathing facility to suit all shapes and sizes
He/she's having a wonderful time in there for sure! I bet, especially with your hot weather, the birds silently say thankyou each and every day for having so many birdbaths too.
West Coast Tasmania
I got this terracotta serving bowl from the op shop all of $3.00. Being terracotta it is heavy enough not to topple over and it has a glazed seal on the inside for easy clean. The bowl inside is the design ( I think it is suited for dip and crackers) but I thought the birds would enjoy it better than my waist line hehehehe.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Well I love it! Just goes to show too, doesn't have to be a typical "birdbath", know what I mean? Anyone can pop something out somewhere, just need a little imagination
West Coast Tasmania
Nice one shoop and yes the branch will always the the spot they pick.