bird at Fingal, NSW

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suephantom's picture
bird at Fingal, NSW

Sorry about the blurred photo.

This is at Fingal Caravan Park in January 2014.

There was a small group of these birds seen both day and night. Their call was like a young child's cries, mostly at night, very loud.

They didn't mind being around humans and would stand still for an hour or two in their group.

I'm curious to know what bird it is. Thank you for any help smiley

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Hi SUe,

This bird is a bush stone curlew. Common around queensland however uncommon in nsw and in danger of local extinction however a geat program is underway to bring back the bush stone curlew run by nev and jan lubke wherethey are breeding and releasing curlews into moulamein and lowesdale. So far over 55 have been succesfully released. You are very lucky to see such a beautiful bird.

Cheers babybirdwatcher

Woko's picture

Great to learn of the bringing back the bush stone curlew project, BabyBirdwatcher. I hope there's good habitat into which they're being released.

suephantom's picture

Thank you Babybirdwatcher!

I had looked on this site and others, and googled but could not find it so that's why I asked here. So glad I did!

Well if anyone wants to see them at leisure the caravan park is the place to do it, that's if they're still there of course. Perhaps a fone-call to the manager to inquire, they would know if the birdies are still around cos they don't run and hide when humans are close by. It's the Fingal Holiday Park, run by the Tweed Shire Council.

We were there for a month and saw the birds often but not every day. Perhaps they move around the park a bit.

Orf to do a bit of research on them now that I know their name...

thanks again Bbw :)

Woko's picture

I hope they're not hanging around the caravan park because people are feeding them, suephantom!

suephantom's picture

Woko wrote:

I hope they're not hanging around the caravan park because people are feeding them, suephantom!

I hope not too Woko! We didn't feed them and I didn't see anyone else feeding them either. The group I was observing didn't seem to be looking for food during the day, rather just quietly congregating and chilling.

There were the usual kookas, maggies and butcher birds around too, and scrub turkeys including a baby that the noisy mynahs chased into our Coaster twice!

Sue :)

Woko's picture

It almost seems the carvaners at the Fingal Caravan Park are very bird friendly & the birds are responding accordingly.

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