Not sure why this is the Google home page theme for the day as I haven't reseached it but check this out ..... it is gorgeous , and so perfect for all of us bird lovers
Hope everyone got lots of bird time in over the easter break and got better results than me for the most part at least
My busiest 3 days of the year ( Stawell Gift ) I was looking forward to a few days off now that its over ot go out but now its raining .
Of course it is !
Man up Sparrow.... get out there and find something anyway ..... cant you hold an umbrella and a camera at the same time??? Oh of course you can't .... you are a male
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yes I can, I just hook the handle of the umbrella under my arm and shoot away , I do the footy every weekend and its aways --------- raining but im using their gear and don't really give a rats if it gets wet good camera stuff is weather proof , my new Bigma needs good light or the photos look crap, I might run down to the paper and see if I can take the big lens out for a few hours ----- yeh that'll happen !
(might be worth it just for the look on the bosses face when I ask )
Some men like "me" can multitask and by that I don't mean drink beer and eat peanuts at the same time ( my wifes idea of most men multitasking )
Ha ha ha .... I like the way your wife thinks
I am getting really disappointed in the results from my bigma lately ..... Akos has tried to teach me editing techniques to control noise , which work fantastically for him, but I am a bit slow on the uptake I am afraid .
I am not sure what the problem is, maybe I am just comparing the results to too many L lenses
I seem to be not too bad on non birding stuff ... it has me a bit puzzled so I took this arty shot with it to make me feel better .... it does have a bird in it after all
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Finally got my computer back
, felt like I had lost an arm the last two days with my daughter on it instead of me ....not sure what was worst the withdrawals from smoking ( oh so many years ago now ) or being detached from my computer ???
What a lovely shot birdie , so good for '' Earth Day '' too . I havent got a bigma ( wish I did
) espically if I could replicate a beauty like this . By the way just out of curiosity was it a heron or a egret ??
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Yes it was Earth Day ..... that was what the doodle was about thanks Shoop. It was an Egret by the way, but there was a white faced Heron just to its right at the time.
YOur shots are lovely with whatever you use and it continually amazes me that you live in the same area that I did for 20 years but you find all the birds that I had never seen in those days...walking around with eyes closed I guess
Sunshine Coast Queensland
What is a "Bigma"?
Samford Valley Qld.
It's a Sigma 50-500
Thanks Nathan.
Samford Valley Qld.
There's also the Sigmonster, Reflex- it's 300-800mm