Post photos of birds who look like they are either having a conversation or talking to the camera, (or just talking in general) then add the amusing captions. This could be a riot. You can post your own caption with the photo, just photos or post alternative captions if you wish to add to the fun. NO TIME LIMIT. NEW OR OLD PHOTOS.
I'll start by adding one for anyone else to caption.
Ok Richman, haven't got a caption for your photo but I have a photo of my own to add

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Muuuumm, the Swamphen said I'm uggly

You told me I'm a gorgeous little Coot...

Here's a caption for your photo richman, and one of my own.
All I need to do now is learn how to add a caption
Hi Rick N, I use "Paint" which you can open by right clicking on an image, go to "Open with" and select "Paint". It may take a while to experiment with to get the desired effect - I usually stumble around till I get it right!. Of course, when all else fails you can always read the instructions!
I also use it to resize my pictures for posting. Good luck,.........Des
Thanks Des, will have a look at that. What is this "Read the instructions" of which you speak?

You can just add the text underneath you don't have to have the caption included in the image
Hurry up Harry - get in there and get your drink of water
I love all the funny commentary
Mine isn't as funny as the rest of them but I thought it was cute (plus it was the only photo I have ever done with a caption
That's great Elsie
,and is very funny. Just the look in the eye.
Thanks Rick N, it had just taken it's first flight
self captioned !
Top one! Where was this Lorikeet?.
Dunno where it is, but I suspect it's about to be somewhere it isn't appreciated!
at the Rocks , sydney
If I've told you once... I've told you a thousand times.
Now, I only ask you one more time....."Where did you put my X box"? Talk buddy, or you're dead meat

I know it's around here somewhere!!!!!
Samford Valley Qld.
Anyone been there, done that?
West Coast Tasmania
Lol Annie that makes me laugh every time I look at it.
Here's one I took today.
When I first got my 600D with a couple of kit lenses I couldn't wait to rush out and try and snap something. Spotting a couple of galahs on a branch, the galah with the camera on the ground reeled off a few shots without stopping to notice that one of the birds was in the shade, and you couldn't even see its head, let alone any interesting detail...
Nothing for it but to add a caption.
Very funny Chris
.. it looks just like that!
Happy photography with the new camera ... please post some photos with it as you go along.
Thanks for the kind comment WhistlingDuck.
Here's one more before I get thrown out for overposting on my first day here.
This was taken some years ago with an old Canon Powershot A80. We lived in the shed in the picture for a couple of years while I built the house that we're now in. This is one for the fans of AFL footie, and bad puns.
I think the Magpies are saying: