Morning everyone - happy Monday
This week's challenge is identification based. The first poster will post a photo of part of a bird (a beak, legs, part of a wing) and people have to guess the bird. The correct guess can then either 1. post the next challenge or 2. open it up for anyone else.
After 3 incorrect guesses the original poster is also able to post clues.
Any questions?
Let me start with an easy one. This eye belongs to.....?
A Bush Stone-curlew perhaps.
West Coast Tasmania
Yes you are right Annie.
Probably the only one I'll get right M-L
, so yay!
O.k., another relatively easy one, although folks may need to look past the noise & blur to figure it out
Who Am I?
West Coast Tasmania
I think you might be a Honeyeater? Are you a Crescent Honeyeater?
Why yes I am! Good job M-L! Sure hope some other members join in soon, we're both out for the next two
West Coast Tasmania
Sorry, not two, my bad. You can post next, but I can't guess. I think that's right??
West Coast Tasmania
I think I will remove the restrictions this week - its a bit quiet. So you can jump in and guess at any time.
Well, if you say so. I'll make it easy and then sit back
These are two....
Would they be pacific Black ducks M-L ?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Spot on Adrienne
Been almost 6 hours since Birdies guess, so I will jump in with 1
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
That looks like a bird of prey ...I'll have a guess at a Kestrel ... Nankeen Kestrel
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Bird of Prey yes, but not a Kestrel
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Are we allowed to guess again?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Could it be the eye of a Brown Falcon?
Spot on ML, Holly lifted all the rules Birdie, so yes I guess you could have. The original before cropping, back to you Araminta.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
back end belongs to ???
Samford Valley Qld.
Eurasian Coot perhaps?
West Coast Tasmania
Over to you again, too easy for you
You are right.
Lucky guess based on the shadow of the left foot
I have nothing at the moment, so throwing it open to whoever else is more organised than me this evening.
West Coast Tasmania
OK my turn, here's an easy one.
Sorry for the poor quality
Eastern Yellow Robin?
Yes well done. Too easy
Oh and here's the photo to prove it
As white as white can be, that's the......?
Hmmmm... Not entirely sure, but looks like a Seagull (Silver Gull)?
Sorry Lachlan, not right
have a good look at the top right corner.....that's the neck.
I would say Egret (not sure if its a Lesser or Intermediate)
Close Devster, but I'll give it to you. It's a Great Australian Egret.
Here he is in full
Thats a beautiful shot where was it taken?
Just at my local lake in Berwick Vic. (one of the lakes I look after and make sure the council cleans the area on a regular basis. And they do it now every 4 weeks) There are now White-faced Herons and many other birds.
Your turn now !!
I don't really have any other pics I can use right now so I will open it up to anyone who has.
What does this beak belong to?
Bill looks like that of a bird that lives near the ocean? Right or wrong?
Maybe we should have bird 20 questions for next week?
My guess is a duck of some sort. Perhaps a Wood Duck?
Lachlan is right it is an Australian Wood Duck!
Here's an easy one.
Samford Valley Qld.
Hmm, Black-shouldered Kite?
Sorry about the slow post, hope two at once is ok. I've decided to go the other way:
Bravo! Oui, vous avez raison!
Samford Valley Qld.
Oops!Double post.
Samford Valley Qld.
.....and what a beautiful photo it is
Lachlan's photo is great. Is he asking what kind of birds the ones on the embankment are? The ones with the dark heads look like Wood Ducks? Hard to tell
Guess it's my turn again? Here is another easy one, easy if you know what it is

Lovely photo of the Black Shouldered Kite, Reflex.
Araminta, I'll have a shot at your photo to try and get this back to one photo at a time...
Is it a Buff Banded Rail?
Also, nope, the birds aren't on the embankment, and aren't Wood Ducks... Unless I missed something.
EDITED: Sorry about miscrediting your photo Reflex.
Yep Lachlan, here it is:
Wow, great photo of the Rail. How did you get so close it it?
They're usually skulking in a reedbed somewhere...
Thanks for the compliment Lachlan
There were two of them on their way to a little pond. Mind you, they were running fast. (Good camera like my Sony A77V helps
) I think having a drink was all they had on their mind. I have about 10 more close ups of them drinking.
I think it's your turn again?
It does look pretty determined to be somewhere!
I'll just repost my photo, but without the blurring to make it harder. To keep the Challenge going, I'll post a hint: look at the bend in the river.
I haven't posted a pic in this challenge yet, it was reflex that posted the kite
Shorty......Canon gear