Nope, AFAIK the only thing on the bank is someone else's campervan which snuck into my photo. But you're heading in the right direction with black a white... And pink.
Wow that is a beautiful shot. They have fast become one of my very favourite little birds after seeing my first one only a few months ago.... of course now i see and hear them everywhere it seems.
OK this one may be a little easy but I find I don't really keep shots that are not easily recognised!! or most of them show too much
I was going to say the Baby Eastern Yellow but I would have been wrong anyway. And I wasnt sure if I am meant to wait or is it a free for all now... not a very busy challenge .
Sorry Reflex.
That what happens when I try and read two threads at once.
I'll edit the post to give credit for the great photo to the person it's from.
Little Pied Cormorant's on the far bank?
Shorty......Canon gear
Nope, AFAIK the only thing on the bank is someone else's campervan which snuck into my photo. But you're heading in the right direction with black a white... And pink.
Pink Eared Ducks?
I wish; I've only ever seen them once.
Black-winged Stilts?
Lachlan, It looks like two Pelicans in the water?
Samford Valley Qld.
Bingo Reflex, two Pelicans it is. Your go again now!
Oh oh! It looks like I've been holding this up.
Here you go.......
Samford Valley Qld.
Can you make it a bit bigger Refex? So, the red is the eye?
Could that be a Striated Pardalote Reflex? They have a little red dot on their wings M-L
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well done Birdie! I didn't know if it was going to be an easy one or not but you certainly nailed it. Over to you now. Here's the photograph.
Samford Valley Qld.
Wow that is a beautiful shot. They have fast become one of my very favourite little birds after seeing my first one only a few months ago.... of course now i see and hear them everywhere it seems.
OK this one may be a little easy but I find I don't really keep shots that are not easily recognised!! or most of them show too much
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Wow, I'm amazed that you nailed that one, Birdie. I had no clue what it was. As for the new one, is it a Hardhead Duck?
sorry removed it, I got it wrong.
No not a hardhead Lachlan, and M-L why did you remove it? How do you know it is wrong unless you ask me
Sunshine Coast Queensland
My bird had pink legs and yours has dark legs. I thought the back end looked a bit like a Whistling Duck, but I know that's wrong.
Can you specify what kind of Whistling Duck you thought it was then?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well, is it a Wandering Whistling Duck?
YESS! and well done ... ha ha .... didn't think it would be that easy really here is the whole shot
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks Adrienne
This one will be easy now.
Seeing that nobody has had a guess, I'll show you what it is. Now it should be anybody's game
As you can see, it's a young New Holland Honeyeater.
I was going to say the Baby Eastern Yellow but I would have been wrong anyway. And I wasnt sure if I am meant to wait or is it a free for all now... not a very busy challenge .
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Its free for all i think.
Come on then, keep it going
OK I am in again then . Tell me who this poor caterpillar is about to be devoured by?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Is that a Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike?
Hm, there is a lot of fine hair around the beak. Could it be a Flycatcher? Maybe a Satin Flycatcher?
Sorry , I was out for a while but yes Elsie it is a black faced cuckoo shrike
Here is the full shot ...well done!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Well done Elsie
I don't have any good close up shots, so I'm opening it up for someone else who has one
It's fun to guess!
OKJ I will post again..... probably too easy but nevermind
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo?
No Tim sorry not a Sulphor crested cocky
Sunshine Coast Queensland
White Ibis?
Sorry Dev... no not a white Ibis..... come on people put your thinking caps on !!! Didn't think I would have to give clues for this one
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Corella of some sort? Maybe a Little Corella?
Spot on Lachlan .... here is the original
Over to you now :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland