Bird books, time together forges special bond between Padthaway father and son

Archer Leddy will tell you his first memory of birding was when he was barely a 1-year-old.

"When I was a baby, [I was] looking through my binoculars out by the front gate, looking for birds," Archer says.

The Leddys' front gate in Padthaway, south-east South Australia, remains a good vantage point. You can see a lot from there.

"Magpies, black kites, wedge-tailed [eagles], red-tailed [black cockatoos], yellow-tailed [black cockatoos], sparrows, honeyeaters, cuckoo-shrikes, the black-faced ones, wattle birds, ravens, currawongs."

Read this charming story in full at the ABC News website.

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