Sutherland Shire Plant List

The list of plants associated with this area. Please click on an individual name to see further details about these species.

Growth Form Scientific Name Common Name
Tree Acmena smithii Lillypilly
Tree Allocasuarina torulosa Forest Oak
Tree Angophora costata Smooth Barked Apple
Tree Banksia integrifolia Coastal Banksia
Tree Callicoma serratifolia Black Wattle
Tree Casuarina glauca Swamp Oak
Tree Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry Ash
Tree Eucalyptus haemastoma Scribbly Gum
Tree Eucalyptus paniculata Grey Ironbark
Tree Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt
Tree Eucalyptus saligna Sydney Blue Gum
Tree Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese Tree
Tree Melaleuca lineariifolia Snow in Summer
Tree Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum
Fern Adiantum aethiopicum Madenhair Fern
Fern Cyathea australis Rough Tree Fern
Fern Cyathea cooperi Straw Tree Fern
Fern Dicksonia antarctica Soft Tree Fern
Shrub Acacia floribunda White Sallow Wattle
Shrub Acacia terminalis Sunshine Wattle
Shrub Banksia ericifolia Heath Leaved Banksia
Shrub Bauera rubiodes Dog Rose
Shrub Bursaria spinosa Blackthorn
Shrub Callistemon citrinus Crimson Bottlebrush
Shrub Ceratopetalum gummiferum NSW Christmas Bush
Shrub Clerodendrum tomentosum Hairy Clerodendrum
Shrub Dillwynia retorta Heathy Parrot Pea
Shrub Gompholobium grandiflorum Wedge Pea
Shrub Olearia microphylla Small Leaf Daisy Bush
Shrub Ozothamnus diosmifolius Everlasting
Shrub Pittosporum revolutum Rough Fruit Pittosporum
Shrub Pultenaea villosa Hairy Bush Pea
Tussock Baumea articulata Jointed Twig Rush
Tussock Baumea rubiginosa Soft Twig Rush
Tussock Blandfordia nobilis Christmas Bells
Tussock Cymbopogon refractus Barbed Wire Grass
Tussock Danthonia tenuior Wallaby Grass
Tussock Dianella caerulea s. lat Blue Flax Lily
Tussock Dianella revoluta Mauve Flax Lily
Tussock Echinopogon caespitosus Tufted Hedgehog Grass
Tussock Gahnia aspera Sword Sedge
Tussock Juncus usitatus Common Rush
Tussock Lomandra longifolia Spiny Mat-rush
Tussock Patersonia glabrata Smooth Purple Flag
Tussock Stipa ramossissima Spear Grass
Tussock Themeda australis Kangaroo Grass
Tussock Xanthorrhoea media Forest Grass Tree
Tussock Xanthorrhoea resinosa Grass Tree
Ground Cover Carpobrotus glaucescens Pig Face
Ground Cover Darwinia grandiflora Darwinia


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