Thanks Peter, the day was overcast, really not good light at all ... I was on the hunt for the Freckled duck and got a little excited when i spied in my viewfinder what i thought was my lucky day , but NO i think it was a female Blue-billed duck instead . Picture is really crappy but they do look similar at first glance ( just no crest) .... so my hunt still continues. Super glad there was quite a few White-neck Herons to brighten my day !!!!!!!!!!!!
White-necked (Pacific is so much nicer a name IMO) Herons are BEAUTIFUL! Especially when you see the purple sheen on the wings. Nicely done and congrats!
White-necked (Pacific is so much nicer a name IMO) Herons are BEAUTIFUL! Especially when you see the purple sheen on the wings. Nicely done and congrats!
Yes they are stunning aren't that. Congrats on your sighting!
congratulations on #141
Thanks Peter, the day was overcast, really not good light at all ... I was on the hunt for the Freckled duck and got a little excited when i spied in my viewfinder what i thought was my lucky day , but NO
i think it was a female Blue-billed duck instead . Picture is really crappy but they do look similar at first glance ( just no crest) .... so my hunt still continues. Super glad there was quite a few White-neck Herons to brighten my day !!!!!!!!!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
my male Blue-billed Duck pic is crappy but good enough for ID
White-necked (Pacific is so much nicer a name IMO) Herons are BEAUTIFUL! Especially when you see the purple sheen on the wings. Nicely done and congrats!
Yes they are stunning aren't that. Congrats on your sighting!
And posing just for you Shoop
Lovely capture, thanks for sharing!
West Coast Tasmania
Oh, & congrats on #141

West Coast Tasmania