Went out to Eagleby Wetlands today despite the somewhat miserable weather, and came across a veritable plague of Grey Fantails amongst other things. I also encountered 3 little mystery birds. Sorry for the quality, they were all a bit shy, and I had to take what I could get.
The second one looks a bit like a Grassbird from the striping, but it's a bit of a sketchy guess.
Thanks for the help! :)
No3 is a Grey Shrike-thrush, the other one I have to think about
How about No2 a Red-capped Robin female?
Hi windshear, I'm a regular at Eaglyby wetlands and those grey fantails sure do like to show they are around. I agree with M-L on #3 being a grey thrush shrike, #2 I'm not 100% sure but I'm also going with female red-capped. #1 to me looks like a little shrike-thrush maybe going by the dark colours but again I could be wrong
Thanks for the assistance. :)
Regarding the Grey Shrike-Thrush - Yes, I was going to say that #3 had a very musical call, and the latin name is Colluricincla Harmonica. :)
Cassie - Looking at the other pictures of the Little Shrike-Thrush, I think you're probably right on with #1.
#1 is a Little Shrike-thrush; I got my pic near Bundaberg, Qld; Brisbane is at the southern end of their range
#2 is a Tawny Grassbird; I actually have good pics of a TGB from my 1 visit to Eagleby Wetlands (this looks like the same bush
); indicators are the tawny back, rufous head, off-white below and a llong tail
#3 is Grey Shrike-thrush as per others
Hi peter. you did it again!
I have photographed #1 and #3 before but not #2, never heard of the tawny grassbird before but now I know what to keep an eye out for 
+1 for all of Peters IDs,you can see the stance/posture of no #2 is different of that from any robin.
Thanks again everyone. :)
I've spotted the Grey Shrikethrush before at the wetlands, but never managed to catch a photo of it.
The first two were taken (if you know eagleby wetlands) in the general area of where the farthest end of the Riverwalk before it turns to come back to the carpark / where it splits off to the Marsh Walk area. The last was found following the fenceline between the treatment plant and the river closish to the exit to Logan Street.
I've spotted Little Grassbirds at Minnippi Parklands and Oxley Common before, but the Tawny GB is another newy. :)
Glad I made the trip, despite the weather. :)
My visit to Eagleby wetlands was in Feb '12, hope this pic helps with future ID