After the Winds

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Devster's picture
After the Winds

I finally managed to do a brief stint of birding Saturday after a report of 40-50 Dusky Woodswallows were spotted just 5 mins from my place the previous day.

I may have found them if we hadn't had 65km/hour winds on Friday night which blew trees down everywhere, causing us and many others to lose power for over 24hrs.

The person that reported them also went Saturday but said the roost they were using had blown away and there was no sign of them anywhere. Hope they are ok somewhere.

Anyway, still managed to shoot anything that moved. Here are a few.

Some Torresian Crows

Pied Butcherbird

Grey Fantail


Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoos

White-Headed Pigeon

Female Superb Fairywren

Brown Cuckoo-Dove

Double Barred Finch

timrp's picture

Very nice shots, I really like the Mistletoebird, the White-headed Pigeon and the Double-barred Finch becasue I rarely see any of those.

HelloBirdy's picture

Great set Devon!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Nice work Devon. I can relate to the "shoot anything that moves" lately :-)

Weather has been appalling and birding ops are reduced a tad.


Pity you missed the dusky wood swallows, hope they found a safer spot to ride out the winds.

Lots of great photos there ... the male mistletoe bird is a little beauty, also very much like the pied butcher bird 

laza's picture

Great shots and several birds I have never seen before

Love that Finch and Mistletoe photos

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Reflex's picture

Looks like you had a good day out. The advantage of being primarily interested in the photography side rather than twiching or bird watching is that there's always a better photograph to be had and you just never know what the day will bring. Also noticed the nice clear blue winter sky is a plus as well. As for those strong winds I'm just pleased they have settled down now.

Samford Valley Qld.

Amson's picture

Such clear distinct photos.  What a day!

Devster's picture

Thanks for the comments guys. The Mistletoebird & the Finch are my fav too. I do like the Butcherbird too and was happy with how it turned out as the can be hard to photograph without blowing out either the blacks or the whites. I also like the look on the Cuckoo doves face.

brian63's picture

Great set of shots Devster, love the mistletoe bird.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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