Afternoon Lorikeets

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Rick N
Rick N's picture
Afternoon Lorikeets

An afternoon walk in Shepards Hill Consrvation Park provided plenty of opportunity for photos.

I hadn't been there for a few months, and it dried out considerably, but the Rainbow Lorikeets were still around.

Also saw a couple of birds that I hadn't seen before (posted in Identifications) so had a very rewarding afternoon.

shoop's picture

Just gorgeous, the colours are amazing. And look at those wings.heartheart

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Thanks Shoop,

They were in the shade on a quite bright day but the fill flash has brought out the colours beautifully.

timmo's picture

Beautiful photos, especially that underwing shot.

They look like they've just had a bath...


RedBrowedFinch's picture

The third photo looks like it was taken on the red carpet - such posers! heart Beautiful photo's Rick!

Take Care,




aka RedBrowedFinch

Rick N
Rick N's picture

They were being very active. Lots of squwarking and preening. I wonder if it is courtship behaviour? Have no idea what time of the year they breed but there did seem to be quite a few pairs around.

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