Having problems registering?

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Having problems registering?

If you are having limited success joining the forum, try some of the following:

1) Ensure that you register using the Register from, not the Login form.

2) Ensure that you use only letters and numbers in your Username.

3) Ensure that your email address is typed correctly.

4) Check that you have ticked the box indicating that you agree to the conditions.

5) Check your inbox to see if the confirmation email has arrived.

6) Ensure that you click on the link in the confirmation email.

7) Ensure that you Login once you have clicked the link, to finish your registration.

8) Check your "Junk Email" box to make sure that your spam filter has not rejected the confirmation email.

If you still have difficulties, please contact us at:


If you solve your problem, please help fellow users by documenting your solution in the "General" forum.

Apologies for any frustration you may be experiencing!!!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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