Agree, looks good for youngish Jacky Winter, but I'm not confident either. I find these young/female brown Robins/Jacky Winter very difficult, much harder than Waders!
What was the behaviour of this bird? Did it wiggle its tail from side to side when it landed? If so, I would be certainly a Jacky Winter... Did it have white on the outer tail feathers? However, the white tail feathers isn't an accurate ID feature as most robins have those white feathers.
May I suggest, when out in the field, it is ideal to always take a sketch pad, note pad or voice recorder to record your observations of a bird. This will aid you later when you go to ID your bird/s. Happy Birding!!!
Jacky winter maybe,I'm not 100% sure at all.
Agree, looks good for youngish Jacky Winter, but I'm not confident either.
I find these young/female brown Robins/Jacky Winter very difficult, much harder than Waders!
thanks anyway
Jacky Winter. I am 110% sure.
Cheers, Owen.
What was the behaviour of this bird? Did it wiggle its tail from side to side when it landed? If so, I would be certainly a Jacky Winter... Did it have white on the outer tail feathers? However, the white tail feathers isn't an accurate ID feature as most robins have those white feathers.
May I suggest, when out in the field, it is ideal to always take a sketch pad, note pad or voice recorder to record your observations of a bird. This will aid you later when you go to ID your bird/s. Happy Birding!!!
Brandon (aka ihewman)