Australasian Gannet

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birdie's picture
Australasian Gannet

I heard there were gannets fishing down at the harbour mouth so I went down with a friend yesterday and had  a look.. We were treating to Surfers, dolphins, terns and yes... one miserable Immature Australasian Gannet sad

However i did manage a few shots , I was trying my friend's 400 5.6L  and goodness it was fast and light compared to my Sigma..... takes a bit of getting used to though having a fixed focal length and not being able to zoom back to check all the action

Elsie's picture

Lovely shots. The detail on the wings in that last shot is beautifulheart


Great results with that lens - do you know what sort of fish that is?

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Great photos, Fish looks like a garfish to me. I have found that sticking with a fixed focus lens has improved my photography. It has made me think more about what am doing, so much so that when using a zoom it feels strangesmiley There is a lot to be said for sticking with one piece of equiptment and really learning what it can do. That is why I'm sticking with my 300mm f4 and not buying the new 400mm f2.8 ($11900.00). That plus the fact I have no money smileysmiley Hijack over, lovely photos.

birdie's picture

No hijack at all Reflex .... I appreciate the response and you are right of course.... you have to think about approach etc  I just found it hard as the gannet was coming in headon at such a great speed I could get off a good shot before he got too close... my reaction time is very slow and my friend was using the same lens type and managed some awesome shots with his 60D of this bird as it went into its dive and then came up with the garfish.

If I could afford one I would have one as the weight and ease of use was amazzing compared to my big sigma.. I would gladly sacrifice the 100ml focal length for that for sure.

Elsie the details on their wings are beautiful and it is amazing how it contrasts to the equally striking but very different adult plumage

Sunshine Coast Queensland

shoop's picture

WOW !!!!! Action shots x 3 . Truly awesome photos there Birdie. Just love that first one. The span on those wings are amazing . 

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

birdie wrote:

No hijack at all Reflex .... I appreciate the response and you are right of course.... you have to think about approach etc  I just found it hard as the gannet was coming in headon at such a great speed I could get off a good shot before he got too close... my reaction time is very slow and my friend was using the same lens type and managed some awesome shots with his 60D of this bird as it went into its dive and then came up with the garfish.

If I could afford one I would have one as the weight and ease of use was amazzing compared to my big sigma.. I would gladly sacrifice the 100ml focal length for that for sure.

Elsie the details on their wings are beautiful and it is amazing how it contrasts to the equally striking but very different adult plumage

Reflex??smiley BTW I was viewing your photos on my phone because I'm away but have just received a new purpose built laptop, for photo editing, and your photos look awesome.Picked it up from the bus and am sitting under the stars participating in forum discussion. Technology really has developed.

birdie's picture

Sounds wonderful.... and my apologies for the  mistake,  I am having a good run today..... thought Shorty said he was a ranger in the cat thread cheeky.  Thanks for taking the time to look at them too. today I was out again with my Sigma in the rain...trying to figure out where all the birds go in the rain..... found a few that like being wet at any time ... still viewing them for editing ....   while deciding to get the tripoid out of the car and give myself a fair chance as they were stationary ..... slipped while wearing thongs in the rain and ended up ass over in a huge mud puddle ... I think it has affected my brain lol  Thank goodness I didnt have my camera in hand at the time!!!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

BabyBirdwatcher's picture

Great shots birdie I love all of them, I knew it was the lens not you that wasn't working, look what happens when you put a new lens on, if you cropped off a tiny bit from the bottom and a little off the right in the  first photo you would have world class bird photography laugh

Cheers Babybirdwatcher

birdie's picture

Ha ha babybirdwatcher ....  I can tell you have been mixing with the big boys wink  It isn't as sharp as it should be so I wouldn't call it world class , but I appreciate the vote of confidence anyway !!!

Not sure if I would recrop it as you said ...why from the right?  here is a recrop I did, basing it I guess on a 2/3 rule but if you have another idea feel free to share it here ( just this once :) )

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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