Australian Raven or Little Raven?

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kazredracer's picture
Australian Raven or Little Raven?

Location Bendigo Victoria. I labelled this bird as an Australian Raven and then I saw a very similar photo of a Raven labelled Little Raven, now I'm now sure which it is. The bill looks more like a Little Raven, the hackles more like (to me) an Australian Raven and it does have a Forest Ravens, eye inner blue ring. Any advice please & thank you.

muz1970's picture

Being from the south west of WA we only get the Australian Raven of the 3 species you mentioned . I studied a large group of them this morning and to me I'd say yours is an Australian Raven. Would like to hear from some one with more knowledge.

Cheers Muz

pacman's picture

books suggest that Bendigo should have Australian or Little Ravens; did you hear it call?


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