Bird from Ilford, NSW

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jfiess78's picture
Bird from Ilford, NSW

These photos were taken at Ilford, NSW back in "08". Unfortunatly I can't tell you much else beceause I can't remember! I have no idea what this little bird is. Can anyone give me any ideas?

Thanks loads, Jackie

jfiess78's picture

I'll have a try myself ;0) could it be an immature golden whistler??

GregL's picture

Could be a female hooded robin.

birdie's picture

I would suggest a female Golden Whistler

Sunshine Coast Queensland

jfiess78's picture

Thanks GregL, I have never seen one before so I am not sure what they look like?? ;0) 

jfiess78's picture

Thanks Birdie, it is the pinkish colouring of the beak that has me stumped. Last night I googled native birds with whiskers and I stumbled across some pics of immature & female Golden whistlers, so it maybe a female Golden whistler ay ;0)

Cheers, Jackie 

Windhover's picture

Hard to be 100% as I can sort of see a cream gape in one or two shots but not in others, which makes it difficult to tell if it is an immature or female Golden Whistler. It's definitely a GW though.

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