If I would ask you to show me the two photos you took, and liked the most? That would have to be a very difficult decision to make. I just did, here is my choice. Isn't it hard? How would you go??
Bird of the Week: 24th December - Your favourite shots of 2012
Fri, 21/12/2012 - 17:34

Bird of the Week: 24th December - Your favourite shots of 2012
Haha,I was hoping someone would make a topic like this - your photos are stunning M-L!
Great work you two!
2012 was my best year for photography so far.
Cheers, Owen.
You are right, your photography is simply brilliant. I'm glad you had a good year. And I wish you a great new year, lots of great photos and a good year 12 at school. Love your work, would love to see more of it. And , lately I have missed your bird- knowledge here, as we can always count on you to tell us what bird it is. Hope to see more of your photos during the Christmas break!?
Thanks for the kind words 8~)
Cheers, Owen.
OMG ML I swear I didn't see your post when I made up this week's theme. I blame it on this stupid head cold...
Will think of a different theme and keep this one going.
Actually changed my mind. ML i have hijacked your thread to make it the Bird of the Week thread for this week and deleting the one I set up.
Would love to also hear the story behind your favourite shot of 2012...
Gosh, I only started serious photography in about March/April. Too hard to decide and ones I would have put up other people have so I decided to post one of my first, Pacific Black Ducks and one of my latest, Bar-Tailed Godwits.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Owen, what are your birds? Beautiful shots.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Very nice Wendy, I love the Bar-tailed Godwits ,don't remember having seen them before.
As far as I can tell, Owen's first one is a Red-rumped Parrot, (hope I'm right), the second one is an Australian Spotted Crake ( I'm certain of that
Great, thanks M-L. I keep wondering how often they accidently stab themselves, or someone else, with that beak. Imagine, you're flying along and suddenly the bird in front puts on the brakes. Oops. Hey, Holly ... how about, for a new theme ... ridiculous beaks!
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Oh I like that Wendy - will definitely use it soon thanks!
I find wee bills fascinating, they are so tiny and have a loud trill and when they hover around the leaves it is lovely to watch
Diane - Canberra
All very nice shots so far. Yes, M-L is spot on re. the species in Owen's post. Here are a couple of mine from this year.
No 1 is a Brown Goshawk that killed a Spotted Dove in our backyard and No. 2 is a Chestnut Teal (male) photographed at our local park.
Melbourne, VIC
What is your bird M-L? I know the smaller one is a Willy Wagtail but don't know what the larger bird is. I have to agree, it is hard to choose. I take so many birdshots and have lots of favourites.
Think I'd have to choose these two: A Crested Pigeon (I love the colouring of the shot) and an Eastern Spinebill.
Selby, Victoria
Hi Kathie love your Crested Pigeon, beautiful colours. George, what a great shot of the Goshawk eating a Dove .
Kathie, the bird in my photos is a Black-shouldered Kite. Took the photos a the Western Treatment Plant.
Lovely shot of the Spinebill, Kathie. Gorgeous little bird.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
George, both your images are absolute corkers!!
Cheers, Owen.
There are some amazing images here. Way too hard for me to choose. Here are two favourites from the last fortnight.
Nice, lefti. Haven't seen either of those before.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Excellent shots everyone.
I haven't been into bird photography for long but here are my favs so far.
--4399 by rawshorty, on Flickr
superb fairy wren
--9699 by rawshorty, on Flickr
Shorty......Canon gear
Very nice, Shorty.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
Thank you Wendy.
Shorty......Canon gear
What a lovely collection of bird pics posted in this thread.
Araminta, why do I have the sneakiest suspicion that that willy wagtail is about to bop that black shouldered kite?
funny you should say that, I have about 10 different photos, it kept coming back again and again, but the Kite wasn't bothered by it, he just sat there and copped it. The Willy Wagtail gave up first.
I like this one because, you look at Rainbow Lorikeets and they are pretty but when they spread their wings there is such symmetry and beauty.
The attached pic is supplied only to help ID the bird and is pretty poor. BUT can someone please tell me what sort of bird this is. It was photographed on the Sunshine Coast a couple of years ago.
Also, is that a Butcherbird posted by xjjohno? We have some very confident ones here that have suddenly appeared and they take food from our hands.
your bird is a Blue-faced Honeyeater, (at least that's what I think) And xjjohno's bird is a Grey Butcherbird.
(Can I ask what the bird in your photo is eating?)
Thanks for that ML; I had a Honeyeater on my shortlist but was not sure.
I think it was eating a piece of bread,
How come so many Blue Faced Honey Eaters have yellow faces (can post pic if required)?
The ones with the yellow/greenish faces are juveniles Peter.
Hi pearsoncoolum. You might want to do a search on artificial feeding of birds to bring up posts which discuss the merits & demerits of this practice.
Dear Woko - thank you for your unsolicited suggestion.
A bit of background here; the Honeyeater was eating a piece of bread left lying by others at a restaurant. We have fed a Butcherbird a small quantity of mince at our home on on two occasions.
Unfortunately you have no information on our usual behaviour regarding interaction with birds. You also have no information regarding our understanding of the implications of feeding birds, be it with artificial food or other.
Apologies to others for this post, as I know it is not in the correct forum. However I do not appreciate the tone and inference of Woko's post. Anyway this is a short-lived membership (24 hours) as it will now be terminated. Pity, as most people here appeared so nice.
Hi pearsoncoolum. It's a shame you've decided to stay only a short while on Birds in Backyards. Nevertheless, I'm most interested in your thoughts on artificial feeding of birds after your reading of the previous posts on this topic.
At first I thought it was a Black-chinned Honeyeater, but I think Araminta is correct - a Blue-faced Honeyeater. I've just posted a shot of a similar bird on the identification page, hoping someone can confirm the identification.
Cheers, Roly