The male Bronzewing that lives in my garden all year round. He stays by himself during winter, but at the moment he hangs out with two females. In the evening sun I find his colours just beautiful.
As you all know by now I have a pair of Galahs visit morning and afternoon every single day . They are getting rather used to seeing my face behind my camera now chatting away at them like some crazy bird lady. Anyway I am proud to have earnt their trust to be able to get rather close enough to get lovely head shots of these cheeky characters. Here are a couple of shots I took today in the late afternoon.
WIth Ricks Restless FlyCatcher I had the same issue last night - it showed a broken image link, when i clicked that it displayed the photo page in SmugMug - when i returned to BB the photo displayed again. So i replied last night i could see it OK - didnt want to get over complicated.
I have the same issue today - broken link icon displayed in Chrome, IE also in Chrome on tablet. I have just repeated same thing and clicking icon does display the pic in smugmug and also then on back button to BB.
When i revisit the page im back to seeing the broken link
Wow!! at least you got the link... my page is just blank, it just says restless flycatcher and then nothing. I will try and view in explorer then
OK so just found it in explorer, but with only the small square that you have , but it took me to the image at least. Sorry Rick ... not sure what it is or why it is doing it , but love you flycatcher anyway
WIth Ricks Restless FlyCatcher I had the same issue last night - it showed a broken image link, when i clicked that it displayed the photo page in SmugMug - when i returned to BB the photo displayed again. So i replied last night i could see it OK - didnt want to get over complicated.
I have the same issue today - broken link icon displayed in Chrome, IE also in Chrome on tablet. I have just repeated same thing and clicking icon does display the pic in smugmug and also then on back button to BB.
When i revisit the page im back to seeing the broken link
This is what just happened to me too WD (using chrome) but when i revisit the page i still see the image.
Hmm its a weird one, will see if I can get to the bottom of it.
Thanks Holly .... so many weird things with links and add ons etc etc in browsers these days !!
Yes there really is! I haven't used that photo sharing site before and can't find anything on their pages about codes etc to share on other sites. I have had a play around with the link but can't get it to just display the image! Still looking into it.
This isn't a photo but a video , one that I am very proud of this month to be able to capture. It is a short video of our adopted Lorikeet Rita. I am proud of it cause it is so hard to capture any of the funny things Rita does or say on video. The moment Rita sees my iphone recording, thats it , it is a toy that must be had. But on this morning I gave Rita a new toy, a toothbrush .Well the excitment was overwhelming. Happy to capture (and share) a little bit of this very funny bird's behaviour that makes me laugh and smile every day.
The last lot of Wlelcome Swallow Babies , first flight out of the nest . On a wall under my roof. The second and last time for this season. The young still come almost every night to sleep in the old nest. (photos taken 1st of February)
Brown Falcon which Sam (my son) and I rescued a few days ago, unfortunately it did not make it. It did have an impact on our lives, for the short time it was with us. Photo by Sam, and with his permission to post. Certainly my most memorable birding experience to date.
Beautiful bird so very sad that it did not survive. My daughter brought home numerous rescues as wildlife carer and it was always a challenge. Wonderful that you made the effort and have some photos of the event. Sue
Great Egret - Sydney Olympic Park
The male Bronzewing that lives in my garden all year round. He stays by himself during winter, but at the moment he hangs out with two females. In the evening sun I find his colours just beautiful.

Here's the same gull from the ID This topic
Buff Banded Rail
Restless Flycatcher
Editing by Holly
I can't see anything Rick .. is it just me or did you forget your link?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I can see it ok?
It's invisible for me as well...
Shows for me OK - restless flycatcher in flight
As you all know by now I have a pair of Galahs visit morning and afternoon every single day . They are getting rather used to seeing my face behind my camera now chatting away at them like some crazy bird lady. Anyway I am proud to have earnt their trust to be able to get rather close enough to get lovely head shots of these cheeky characters. Here are a couple of shots I took today in the late afternoon.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Nathan do you use firefox by any chance? Maybe that is why we can't see it? Some problem there... who knows
Snoop.... they are gorgeous close ups by the way !!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
WIth Ricks Restless FlyCatcher I had the same issue last night - it showed a broken image link, when i clicked that it displayed the photo page in SmugMug - when i returned to BB the photo displayed again. So i replied last night i could see it OK - didnt want to get over complicated.
I have the same issue today - broken link icon displayed in Chrome, IE also in Chrome on tablet. I have just repeated same thing and clicking icon does display the pic in smugmug and also then on back button to BB.
When i revisit the page im back to seeing the broken link
Wow!! at least you got the link... my page is just blank, it just says restless flycatcher and then nothing. I will try and view in explorer then
OK so just found it in explorer, but with only the small square that you have , but it took me to the image at least. Sorry Rick ... not sure what it is or why it is doing it , but love you flycatcher anyway
Sunshine Coast Queensland
This is what just happened to me too WD (using chrome) but when i revisit the page i still see the image.
Hmm its a weird one, will see if I can get to the bottom of it.
Thanks Holly .... so many weird things with links and add ons etc etc in browsers these days !!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I also like this photo, just for the fact that it shows the male Superb Fairy-Wren, the one I observed breeding outside my windows.
I took this photo 2 weeks ago, but he is now almost back in his non-breeding colours now.
Yes there really is! I haven't used that photo sharing site before and can't find anything on their pages about codes etc to share on other sites. I have had a play around with the link but can't get it to just display the image! Still looking into it.
OK it is very weird - I used the image link and it worked, went back in just to edit my edit (!) and it now doesn't work...
edit - I can see it now - how about everyone else?
edit 2 - and now I can't! I think I may be loosing my mind!
Not sure what is happening, will edit and repost the code maybe that will fix it.
Not sure what is happening, will check settings on the host site.
I can see it again Rick... (but not sure for how long!)
Yes ... I can see it now
Lets hope it stays there!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Little Pied Coromorant - I like these birds as they always have sort of bad tempered expression
One of the persistently friendly (and terrifying) Lake Burley Griffin Swans:
The Barking Owl is definitely my Fabulous February shot but runner-up is this little Silvereye. Love the berry in its bill. Sue
That's a great shot sue of the silvereye
Well Rick that photo was worth the wait
, fantastic capture there, totally awesome shot !!!!!
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
This isn't a photo but a video , one that I am very proud of this month to be able to capture. It is a short video of our adopted Lorikeet Rita. I am proud of it cause it is so hard to capture any of the funny things Rita does or say on video. The moment Rita sees my iphone recording, thats it , it is a toy that must be had. But on this morning I gave Rita a new toy, a toothbrush .Well the excitment was overwhelming. Happy to capture (and share) a little bit of this very funny bird's behaviour that makes me laugh and smile every day.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
The last lot of Wlelcome Swallow Babies , first flight out of the nest . On a wall under my roof. The second and last time for this season. The young still come almost every night to sleep in the old nest. (photos
taken 1st of February)
Eastern Spinebill in our grevillea late one afternoon.
Selby, Victoria
Brown Falcon which Sam (my son) and I rescued a few days ago, unfortunately it did not make it. It did have an impact on our lives, for the short time it was with us. Photo by Sam, and with his permission to post. Certainly my most memorable birding experience to date.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Very sad the falcon did not survive ... Such a beautiful bird and wonderful photos
So sad about the falcon. Thanks for sharing the photos. Beautiful bird.
Selby, Victoria
Beautiful bird so very sad that it did not survive. My daughter brought home numerous rescues as wildlife carer and it was always a challenge. Wonderful that you made the effort and have some photos of the event. Sue