Hi guys
This weeks theme is all about the importance of a resource for birds - flowers. Share your photos that fit this theme.
Just a note - I am technically on leave this week. I will still be around though and I will respond to issues as soon as I can.
Hi there, this is where we live. We love native grasses, the messier the better, just let it all grow. This is where our nest is, you can't see it, because we have built it deep inside. Plenty of insect around there too. Please plant more grasses for all us tiny birds to hide in. As you can see, we find nice nesting material here .

Grevilleas for all the Honeyeaters
Here's a few.
Selby, Victoria
The above would all look good in a coffee table book or calendar. I have a Red Capped Parrot enjoying eucalypt flowers and an Australian Ringneck (Twenty-Eight) noshing on yummy died-off daisy flower heads. Having been roaming the local area looking at birds for the last few months, it's interesting to see how the different species of eucalypts flower one after the other so there is always something available for the birds and insects.
Mandurah, WA
Peel-Yalgorup System Ramsar Site
I definitely need a new camera! Here is a picture of a Scaly-breasted Lorikeet enjoying the blossoms in our backyard
Childers QLD
only one,a NHH in a pose a bit like M-L's
One from a while ago
As you all know, I'm all in favour of native plants. But when I went to a nursery the other day, the guy said,----don't fall for, native birds need native plants, there are many seeds they eat, that are non native.----. So here are some from my garden. No idea what they are, but Parrots love them.

Does it grow from a cutting M-L do you know? Or do you have small seedlings popping up nearby? Would be keen to see if I can plant one of those too.
Selby, Victoria
I have no idea Kathie, I will have a look if there are any seedlings.
Superb series Kathiemt. The Eastern Spinebill is gorgeous. Whats #4?
Thanks Nahar. That's also an eastern spinebill, a juvenile I believe.
Selby, Victoria
Here is a couple on the theme:
What's the first one Nahar? I know the second is a Silver Eye.
Selby, Victoria
The first one is a Scaly-breasted Lorikeet taken at Sanctuary Cove in Gold Coast.
If you hover the mouse on the photo the name appears magically !!
I didn't look for tags. Thanks for that.
Selby, Victoria
Some sunbirds and honeyeaters
Hi Araminta. I get the impression that nursery guy wasn't thinking a lot about native birds spreading feral plant seeds into the bush.
I enjoyed looking at all the photos. I love native flowers and have photo of a noisy miner in my banksia robur, banksia 'Giant candles' and grevillea 'superb'
A bit late on this one - New Holland Honeyeater
I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT