Hi everyone,
With Christmas fast approaching and all those wonderful decorations going up around my neighbourhood, I thought the suggestion of shiny things was a great one (thanks ungb!). So let's see your "shiny, glittery, and irridescent" birds (something of natural ornaments!).
Let's leave this one running for a few weeks over the holiday period and see what you come up with.
Happy holidays!
Great topic for the season - this Straw Necked Ibis has a bit of a sparkle
Pacific Golden Plover has sparkle ... and the scene has lots of colour and sparkle of the water glistening on the rocks as the tide goes out.
This Metallic Starling reminds me of Christmas ... shiny and irridescent as well as red and green. I do not know the name of this tree from Cairns.
This Australian White Ibis has his glittery red hat on!
Happy Birding!
Very shiny and glittery, the Welcome Swallows in my garden.
The Little Black Cormorants have a nice shiney coat in the sunlight. And those eyes!
Male Chestnut Teal
Glossy Ibis
Common Starling
Pelican - but a lot of sparkle in the background
Another vote for a Straw-Necked Ibis.
Samford Valley Qld.
This guy should qualify.
Shorty......Canon gear
Shiny Common Bronzewing
Mallards can do Shiny.
Samford Valley Qld.
Welcome Swallow got the sheen
Forest Kingfishers are shiny.
Samford Valley Qld.
I'll go with the Glossy ibis!
how about a Spangled Drongo?
Restless Flycatchers are shiny!
Samford Valley Qld.