Makes sense to me Chris, although the second Rainbow Lori should be Orange and xxx or Green and xxx to match up with the Lori before, not two new colours nominated. Know what I mean? So one of the two colours that were nominated from the bird before (the connecting colour) and one from your bird (the new colour) - assuming there are two colours of course.
This Brahminy Kite which was captured at Brisbane airport as a much younger bird had been shot in the eye. It has been looked after and reared at O'Reillys. Matching Brown and asking for white.
Makes sense to me Chris, although the second Rainbow Lori should be Orange and xxx or Green and xxx to match up with the Lori before, not two new colours nominated. Know what I mean? So one of the two colours that were nominated from the bird before (the connecting colour) and one from your bird (the new colour) - assuming there are two colours of course.
West Coast Tasmania
One of our more inappropriately named birds.
Hunter Valley NSW
Azure Kingfisher - purple as previous and Purple and Orange
Dead heat LOL
Hunter Valley NSW
Purple-crowned Lorrikeet being PURPLE as previous post and BLUE. Sue
Wompoo fruit Dove .... to go with your purple and GREEN
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Male King Parrot, Green and Red
Superb Parrot, male - GREEN as previous and YELLOW
Brown Honeyeater. Green and Brown.
Samford Valley Qld.
Not sure that I totally agree with your description of the Brown HE as green but nevertheless I will match your brown and ask for GREY
Spotted Harrier
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Broad-billed Fly-catcher matching Grey and asking for White. Sue
Gang-gang Cockatoo - GREY as previous and RED
Musk Lorikeet. Red , green and YELLOW
Pale-headed Rosella - Matching YELLOW and asking for BLUE
Superb Fairy Wren to match Blue and asking for Blue again.
Samford Valley Qld.
Red-rumped Parrot, different shades of blue ,yellow and GREEN
Scaley-breasted lorikeet - to match GREEN and asking for YELLOW
Wompoo Fruit-dove is GREEN and I nominate YELLOW
(my attachment seemed to get unattached)
The wing feathers of a New Holland Honeyeater. Yellow and BLACK
Pink Robin - Matching BLACK & adding PINK
West Coast Tasmania
oops! I posted the same time as you
West Coast Tasmania
Galah. Matching PINK nominating GREY.
Two Baby Cape Barren Geese. Grey and WHITE
Black Shouldered Kite - Matching White & adding Black.
Samford Valley Qld.
Grey Crowned Crane matching Black and looking for BROWN
Welcome Swallow, matching BROWN & adding (steely) BLUE.
West Coast Tasmania
Male Satin Bowerbird. Blue/Black, asking for BLUE again, as this is the dominant colour.
Striated Thornbill, touch of BLUE under wings, Green, Yellow and BROWN.
Hunter Valley NSW
Chestnut Teal, brown and GREEN
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Bell Miners are green but it's a different green to the green of a Chestnut Teal. Let's go with GREEN again.
Samford Valley Qld.
Silvereye, green and GREY
Eastern Reef Egret, matching grey and adding nothing but grey
Shorty......Canon gear
What a beauty that Egret shot is Shorty! Matching GREY & adding a snippet of BLUE with a Superb Fairy-wren portrait.
West Coast Tasmania
Spangled Drongo, matching Blue, looking for BROWN
Hunter Valley NSW
This Brahminy Kite which was captured at Brisbane airport as a much younger bird had been shot in the eye. It has been looked after and reared at O'Reillys. Matching Brown and asking for white.
Samford Valley Qld.
Baby Wood Duck, different shades of Brown and Cream. You take a pick .
Sorry, Reflex and I posted at the same time
His photo is much nicer than mine, so I guess White it is
Little Pied Cormorant, black and WHITE
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Red Wattlebird, White, Brown and YELLOW
Hunter Valley NSW
New Holland Honeyeater, Yellow, back and WHITE.
White-faced Heron. Matching white and asking for GREY.
Samford Valley Qld.
Silver Gull grey and WHITE
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
White Throated Kingfisher looking for BLUE
Forest Kingfisher on my Hills Hoist, ( real BIB shot) Blue and BUFF
Hunter Valley NSW
Crested Pigeon. Matching Buff and Light Brown?
Samford Valley Qld.
Juvenile Grey Butcherbird, your Light Brown for DARK BROWN.
Hunter Valley NSW
Masked Lapwings, white, dark brown and BLACK
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
So many great photos !!
Cage and Araminta are playing "super dominos" matching great photos of red wattle bird and NE honeyeater both calling (Fri, 18/07/2014 - 14:42) !
Noisy Miner - Matching BLACK and asking for GREY (again - I know