Happy Monday everyone. Not sure what the weather is like where you are but it is a very dreary day here at the Discovery Centre! Lots of rain and not many birds around I'm afraid.
I know last week was a bit of a challenge as nocturnal birds are that bit harder to get shots of but well done everyone!
This week I thought we would look at matching birds with their food. So you can either post a photo of a bird eating or post 2 photos - the bird in one photo and what it might eat in the next. If you want to challenge people you can invite another poster to post a shot of the food! Lets get some collaborations happening!
Scarlet Myzomela (Honeyeater on some lists)
Bird with Food (Pippit)
Hard to see but he does have a Lerp in his beak
Shorty......Canon gear
What would this fellow eat?
I'm sure he would enjoy this
Shorty......Canon gear
A Kookaburra with a rather large breakfast on a very wet Saturday morning.(slightly OOF)
What about this cheeky fellow? What would he eat?
Great photos everyone by the way! I love that shot of the praying mantis rawshorty
The Sulphur might like a few of these
How about the other way around! What might eat these White's Skink's?
This Kookabarra would love this for his breakfast! Poor skink though
Pacific Baza with tucker found at the Tucki Tucki Nature Reserve south of Lismore NSW
A young Sacred Kingfisher with a nice big juicy beetle for breakfast. (Well juicy once you get past the hard exoskeleton)
Thanks Elsie
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty......Canon gear
Tawny Grassbird.
Samford Valley Qld.
Shorty......Canon gear
Yabbie juggling Cormorant
Good one Rick, but that's a Little Pied Cormorant!
Thanks Owl, total brain fade
Have remedied.
Incredible pictures, as always.
Our grevillea planting has started to pay off. Whoopee! We can now boast a purpose built hide for photographing small birds - our house! This was taken on Monday through our kitchen window from a couple of metres away. What a privelege and pleasure it is to see (and hear) these little birds going about their business.
Apart from this honeyeater we've also seen spinebills, thornbills and fantails close to the house and have been enjoying leafing through the bird book to identify them.
I'll second that Chris, brilliant collection of shots coming through once again!
Now, I'm sure there are many birds who'd like to chow down on this Australian Emerald Dragonfly...which bird is going to grab it first?
West Coast Tasmania
Eastern Spinebill eating the nectar in the Grevillea
Rainbow Lorikeet eating the nectar in the Bottlebrushes
New Holland Honeyeater getting a feed out of a Protea.
I have a Collared Kingfisher that might be interested in your Dragonfly Annie.
A fun fact here - A dragonfly can eat food equal to its own weight in about 30 minutes. Which roughly translates into you trying to eat as much as 45 Kilograms, let alone in half an hour. We don’t eat that amount of food in a week!
Samford Valley Qld.
Brown Honeyeater enjoying the Nectar
Fairy Martin on the fly feeding its baby a bug of some sort
NZ Bellbird
Bar-tailed Godwit with food.
Samford Valley Qld.
Nice juicy insects for the bubs
Eating her greens
Shorty......Canon gear
Palm Cockatoo having his cereal for breakfast.
Samford Valley Qld.
Give it to me,. give it to me
Shorty......Canon gear
BS KIte with skink
Eastern Rosella enjoying his green's.
Lovely shots indeed. I hate to be a stickler for detail but Wanda, your 2 beauties aren't quite swallow's, but Fairy Martin's. Rob yours is a Yellow Rosella (assuming it's on the mainland).
Tawny: "Yum, a Trilling Frog for dinner"
Shorty......Canon gear
Australian King Parrot eating an acorn from the Oak tree
More amazing pictures. So it must be time for another slightly blurry amateurish one. :-) Shot from above instead of at eye level, but I was ten feet above the bird on the verandah.
Juvenile red cap parrot apparently enjoying a beaker of gum nut ale.
MMM a lovely moth for afternoon tea.
Don't be greedy, share it around.
Lots of amazing photos everybody.
Robwill - love your rosella in that amazing tree with the colours of the leaves and the fruit
Golden Headed Cisticola
Thanks Owl of Kedumba I have now changed it to the right name.
Eating can be dangerous. This Forest Kingfisher flew down and picked up a spiders egg with spider attached. He ate the egg then sat happily on the branch with spider attached. Didn't notice until I put the photos into lightroom. What a surprise.
Just a little morsal
Shorty......Canon gear
Noisy Miner at Buffet
New meaning to getting some grub even though I think its a millipede of some sort.
Just a small snack.
Shorty......Canon gear
Interesting shot showing the bird choosing the real sugar over the Equal. Would make a great add for Bundaberg sugar.
Samford Valley Qld.