Black-fronted dotterel (juvenile)

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alcatraz's picture
Black-fronted dotterel (juvenile)

Spotted this Black -fronted dotterel two days ago at Gold Coast Botanic Gardens and managed today to get a couple of shots away. Terrific little bird, a juvenile I think going by the coloring. Amazing aerial agility which I did not suspect, Was chased by a couple of Welcome swallows who could not catch it in a dog-fight over the lake. Can turn on the proverbial sixpence in the air. Amazing. No pics of this ... far too fast!

HelloBirdy's picture

Awesome find!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

Devster's picture

Well done, looks like you were able to get reasonably close to him.

alcatraz's picture

Devster wrote:

Thanks Devo. These were taken by my bridge camera at full 1200mm. Reckon the closest I got was about 8 metres. Flighty blighters!

Well done, looks like you were able to get reasonably close to him.

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