Blue raven looking bird

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rhiannon.eloise's picture
Blue raven looking bird

hi there,

to preface this- i know little to nothing about birds. i saw this bird outside my window a few years ago and was taken aback as i had never seen anything like it before. i recently came across this website and deciding this would be a good way to finally identify its species. sorry for the bad photos - this was a few years ago when cameraphones werent the best. further details- it was roughly the size of a raven, was alone, colour was lightish blue/grey rather than grey as seen in the pictures below.



Canonguy's picture

It is a Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike

dwatsonbb's picture

Hi Eloise, I 2nd Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike. Sometimes species ID can be made easier if you include you location, town, city and or state. 

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

HelloBirdy's picture

I'll third that. Yes, Black-faced Cuckooshrike

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera

rhiannon.eloise's picture

thankyou everyone, I searched the bird on google and this is definitely the one I saw. Thankyou Dale I will keep that in mind for the future.

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