First three pictures are of a bird in Kununurra which I now think is a Brown Goshawk although I initially thought it was a Collared Sparrowhawk as the middle toe seemed quite long.
Next 3, from Broome, were I thought of a juvenile Collared Sparrowhawk but now not so sure.
Last one is from Mataranka and appears to be a Brown Goshawk.
I have considered: size but that is quite difficult through the camera; length of middle toe; shape of tail; beetling brow! ; barring.
Seems very difficult to decide so hope someone can assist me. Sorry for the last picture but it was quite distant and in shade.
Always a tough topic!
I found these websites useful.
I reckon the first bird is Brown Goshawk and the next two are Collared Sparrowhawk.
But the second bird is tough. It looks to have a longer middle toe and a bit more of a "stare" (rather then glare) and on overall more slender build (although it is a juvenile) - indicating Sparrowhawk, but seems to have a more rounded tail (Goshawk). Still leaning towards Sparrowhawk.
Always like to get multiple opinions on this topic! Let's wait for a few more to turn up!
Dave, Sydney.
i think they're all gos
Sue I agree with your IDs. Those thick sturdy legs and powerful build of the first bird are good features for BG. Second birds slighter build and more spindly legs with very long middle toe point to CS. Third bird BG for the same reasons as the first. I dont think the brow is a reliable feature.
#2 has a clearly rounded tail imo
Hahahaha. This is gonna be a funny forum.
Snail - what about the forked tail and slender build in the third bird?
Dave, Sydney.
Hi all,
just to confuse things I added another photo of the young bird which showed the stare or glare.
Seems an interesting topic for discussion. The second link that Dave provided is very good as the pictures are quite different.
still think # 2 is a gos; tail feathers look rounded
still think #3 is a gos, doesn't look all that slender imo and i think it's just missing a tail feather
haha yeah to make it even more interesting there are substantial differences in size and build between the sexes of both birds, so its almost like comparing 4 very similar species. The first port of call for me is always the legs and toes. Tail shape and brow can be misleading depending on the angle of the photo, shadows, missing feathers etc. Its always hard to ID these birds with confidence and these 3 photos birds are no exception.
Definitely agree with Zosterops on the 3rd bird but I find it hard to go past CS for the 2nd bird with those spindly toes.
i usually go off size and flight jizz, they are quite different imo unless i'm imagining things
sparrowhawks also much less commonly soar ime
Unfortunately size very hard to judge from photos without scale and flight jizz obviously impossible.
It seems there's a consensus on the 1st bird as Sue indicated (Goshawk). Happy to be corrected for the 3rd bird - Goshawk too as everyone else says.
That leaves the second bird then..... Still leaning towards Sparrowhawk. That middle toe is pretty long.....
I agree with flight and jizz - I can usually tell them appart in the field on size, flight and behaviour.
Dave, Sydney.
i've never seen a sparrowhawk with a rounded tail