Call ID, farmland north of Ballarat

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albys's picture
Call ID, farmland north of Ballarat

Can anyone identify this call please? I've been hearing it a lot where I live, it flies from one high point to another, tree to powerline and back, making a few different short sounds but most notably this high, zippy song. Please ignore the juvenile magpie in the second part! Haven’t been able to get a very good look at it but it’s small, short bill, short tail, brownish with paler breast. Thanks!

Steven.McBride's picture

Rufous Songlark

albys's picture

Ah yes, that's absolutely it, the descriptions in my guides match perfectly (witcher/witchy-weedle is a pretty good verbalisation of the call). These Old World warblers are tricky! Thanks for the speedy help Steven.

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